Sounds like the only recourse is to get a new cover designed for the Germanic market, although I guess the question is whether sales in those markets are worth the trouble and cost of new artwork.

Then again, who knows, maybe the Streisand effect will kick in!

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

Yeah, that’s a lie. I just entered ‘Hakenkreuz’ (swastika) in the book section of Amazon.de and there are several titles on the first page showing the stupid thing (screenshots if you want).

As you say, there’s nothing in German law prohibiting any of this, the only prohibition is against promoting National-socialism. Hell, I even bought my 1943 copy of Mein Kampf complete with Atsche portrait back in 1998. Perfectly legal.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

Hi, I just had a bit of a different perspective for you that doesn’t come from authors of historical events. My mom kept her German citizenship and remained in Canada where she chose to live since 1956 on her landed immigrant status. When I asked her why she told me being born a German citizen had cost her everything and made her life a living hell so because of this she chose to keep it and not ever give it up in order to become a Canadian citizen. She is still with us today at 96 years old with pretty dementia now but in the past she shared many a story of the 2nd world war with me over the years as I was always fascinated by them. She actually met Hitler as a small child and he patted the top of her head at some sort of speaking event in Frankfurt her home town btw and she told me that at first he became very popular with the German people because he got the economy going, lifted unemployment and changed poor times of hardships and strife into good times with a thriving economy even believing that every German should be able to afford a car, hence the VW was manufactured and sold at a very reasonable price so every German could afford to drive one! So to my understanding from her Hitler started out as being good for Germany and the German people hence as he gained popularity he got voted into higher and higher political positions of government. So he either became pathological as time went on and remember the old saying that power corrupts and Absolute power corrupts Absolutely? Or he was always pathological but kept it hidden and created a character he chose to play for the German public until he had enough power to begin his real desire of the purging of the Jewish people and creating his fair haired and fair skinned blue eyed perfect race. The German people didn’t vote a monster into power, as he wasn’t like that in the beginning. My mom was born in 1926 and the war began when she was 13 and lasted throughout her teenage years but she remained there for another 5 years after it finally ended in order to support her little brother and her parents and help bring them back to health as they were starving, by working for the Americans as a court interpreter as her English was flawless. She immigrated to Montreal Canada alone in 1926 and worked as a bookkeeper for a distant relative and eventually discovered our west coast in Vancouver and there met my Dad and fell in love and married and had me and then bought a house in Victoria BC on Vancouver Island and had my sister. My Dad was British and also was a war survivor although he served in the British army and also sought freedom and refuge from all of the wars’ visible reminders and painful horrific memories, so both my parents had that in common when they met at a boarding house in Vancouver in 1956. Thought some background would help make some more sense of my mom’s wartime recollections to me.

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This is quite possibly the best incendental advert for a book I have ever read.

*eyes glaze over*

*fingers auto-navigate to "buy" function*

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Could be a mindless bureaucratic amazon search bot algorithm stumbling up on it, then the appeal going to a mindless human bureaucratic person behind a computer, for whom taking the risk to overturn the algorithm's ruling is above his/her paygrade [you don't actually expect amazon workers to read the books to check the content do you]? . Which may be a more significant manifestation of evil than a real person picking up on it.

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I'm pretty sure Amazon banned CJ Hopkins The New Normal Reich in several countries in Europe for the same reason.

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

So I checked: Amazon UK will not deliver to Germany, FR and Com will.

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What pathetic action by Amazon!

"Amazon would do well to actually read the book" - they will have a bot to do that but it will have no idea what it's scanning or how to categorize it.

Sorry I got the soft cover version now! I need to upgrade to hardcover while I can - might be a valuable (albeit contraband) collectors item soon.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

I originally purchased this excellent new version of PP from amazon.de and went to check if I could still give a review and 5 star rating: not possible anymore.

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And? Use the some innocent image of spot the Tiger in a zoo. No one dare ban it.

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Just get a roll of smiley stickers and hire some Kinder to stick them over all the appropriate spots for you. Hell, I'll do it for you; I live there. ;)

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The banning of this book is obviously motivated by a desire to hide special psychological knowledge and the excuse they give is one of the laziest you can come up with aside from ''oops we forgot''.

That said I want to say something about hitler and his portrayal in media.He's always shown to be a schitzo freak (and to some degree he was,including probably psychopathology) but that precise portrayal makes it impossible to understand why he was elected or why the hatred of jews was so resonant.

Hitler was a WW1 vet,who when push came to shove marched arm in arm with other ww1 vets into oncoming police gunfire during a protest.Men to his left and right died,he was wounded and was recovering in prison where he was sent for protesting.Now can you name a single western politician who would put their life on the line for their belief like that?Exactly.People follow strength and he came across as strong.Moreover the situation in Weimar Germany paralleled our own with transgenderism and lgbt and other social ills being pushed on the population primarily by jews who also owned majority of the newspapers.You know that famours image where hitler youth are burning books?It's never mentioned which books were being burned.Thats because the majority of those books were promoting sexual fetishism and transgenderism and other mental illnesses and were again largely written by jews.The situation at the time was bad enough that you had gangs of homeless youths using the lowest ranking members as the gang toilet.You also had mothers pimping out their children or charging extra to join.It was gruesome.

I don't mean to sperg,it just gets tiring of hearing ''but the nahtzeez'' being brought up again and again,especially since the reality of WW2 and the myth we're taught are worlds appart.If you want an example of ww2 era propaganda look up a short film called ''Hitler Lives''.I think you can still find it on youtube.It nakedly tells you the american plan for germany in plain terms.Keep them down and out,forever.

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Hi, thank you for appreciating it Harrison! I just remember being so surprised to learn from my mom that Hitler wasn’t always the monster he ended up becoming and actually had gained popularity amongst the people and they actually “liked” him as time went on. Agree Lob probably did mean it in the European sense of personality disordered, but looking around nowadays on Twitter and Facebook and the like it sure seems like we have many people who also have some symptoms and traits that reveal a personality disorder hey? There is so much more mental health illness made so much more visible with social media and also out in the real world with violent professional activists and others than I would ever have suspected in a million years! It just took Covid and mandates and lockdowns to bring it more into the light. This also helps to explain why we are now talking about a nuclear attack like it was no big deal… you have to be a complete and utter psychopath to be willing to risk this because of your uncontrollable and desperate obsession to “break and humiliate” Putin in front of the whole world so you can justify causing ww3 and mass global destruction and millions of deaths just for your insane need to brutalize Putin in order to break him?! Now that IS insane! Our world is in so much distress exactly because somehow all of these insane crazy psychopaths got themselves into the highest positions of power, just like Hitler!

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