We are talking about people with autistic traits - diminished left/right hemisphere activity, 'isolated' regions of the brain that are more highly developed yet lack sufficient integration with other major neural pathways. There's probably something about this particular atypical neural architecture that offers unique opportunities to em…
We are talking about people with autistic traits - diminished left/right hemisphere activity, 'isolated' regions of the brain that are more highly developed yet lack sufficient integration with other major neural pathways. There's probably something about this particular atypical neural architecture that offers unique opportunities to employ these people as patsies. Broad social awareness is dull and often misunderstood, but once a concept is grasped it's pursued with vigor (often a left hemisphere crusade that doesn't get the message from the right that there's serious negative social implications). Without the checks and balances of good hemispheric integration could these people be more easily set on a path (like becoming a shooter) with little consideration of consequences and only focused on the task (a distinctly left hemisphere trait, believing it's always right, even if that pesky right hemisphere is screaming that things are not OK - the left hemisphere thinks the right hemisphere is a conspiracy theorist lol)?
I'm just thinking out loud here - I'd have to do a deep dive into the literature to vet the concept. And is this atypical neural architecture more prone to suggestibility? Possibly - I really don't know (although I'm sure there are studies out there to verify or not).
We are talking about people with autistic traits - diminished left/right hemisphere activity, 'isolated' regions of the brain that are more highly developed yet lack sufficient integration with other major neural pathways. There's probably something about this particular atypical neural architecture that offers unique opportunities to employ these people as patsies. Broad social awareness is dull and often misunderstood, but once a concept is grasped it's pursued with vigor (often a left hemisphere crusade that doesn't get the message from the right that there's serious negative social implications). Without the checks and balances of good hemispheric integration could these people be more easily set on a path (like becoming a shooter) with little consideration of consequences and only focused on the task (a distinctly left hemisphere trait, believing it's always right, even if that pesky right hemisphere is screaming that things are not OK - the left hemisphere thinks the right hemisphere is a conspiracy theorist lol)?
I'm just thinking out loud here - I'd have to do a deep dive into the literature to vet the concept. And is this atypical neural architecture more prone to suggestibility? Possibly - I really don't know (although I'm sure there are studies out there to verify or not).