The Agent Smiths of the Matrix have always been there, it seems.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

This "anathematizing" by power possessing people who feel insulted reminds me of chapter 11 of Beelzebub's Tales, "A Piquant Trait of the Peculiar Psyche of Contemporary Man," where Beelzebub explains what could happen to his grandson Hassein if ever it is discovered that he called us three brained beings 'slugs.' As Mullah Nassr Eddin puts it, at best "you wouldn't have recovered your senses before the next crop of birches."

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

The malicious are mostly motivated by a mixture of envy and insecurity. Truly confident are not threatened by anyone who is not actively frustrating them or denying them resources or attention.

The malicious are empowered by the indifference of the majority, who see no reason to assist the singular or exceptional who are the ones most likely to attract the hostility of the malicious in the first place. Evolutionary psychologists would be able to explain it all better than I.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

Boehme seems to have been a rather wise man!

His advice, and yours, is valuable.

The sheer intensity of the fear and hatred displayed by many of these ... cancel enthusiasts ... is difficult to understand. But if you can channel sheer terror into some form of rage, you can achieve that level of intensity. It's not clear to me that all of these extreme antagonists are full-blown psychopaths, but certainly that level of fear lies behind this sort of behavior. If it does not fuel it directly, it must certainly provoke it.

In more commonplace propaganda duels, the question of who is lying can be difficult to answer. In theory, both "sides" could be lying, if they were BOTH being provoked by false data supplied by some undisclosed third party.

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Isn't the message here that every Thesis must have it's Antithesis ?

They spiral around, feeding off each others energy, alternately attracting and repelling, until they collapse together, fuse into one, then split into two and continue the Yin & Yang spiral again.

Every ChrisChan must have it's A-log.

If you are not aware of the above reference, you may (or may not) be fortunate. It's a tragic, often bizarre and obscene tale that is still being played out right now in (nearly) real time.

I think it's also very educational. The life and times of 17th century mystics is no doubt interesting and perhaps even relevant to our 21st century predicament, but ChrisChan IS the 21st century.

My mystic self could not help but realize that the decline and fall of Christian Weston Chandler runs on a neatly parallel track to the decline and fall of the Christian West. A case of Nominative Determinism perhaps ?

Mr. Harrison Koehli, as a gentleman and scholar of ponerology you will find a great deal to consider in the life and times of ChrisChan. He has been called the most heavily documented person in history. This is probably true, we know more of his life than of any president or movie star you care to name and vastly more than what we know of Napoleon or Caesar.

This data has been digitally documented, archived, analyzed, critiqued, dissected and digested and then analyzed and dissected all over again. All the way through his life runs a vein of pathological ponerology like a ribbon of purest shit.

All of this is available to you now for only the price of an internet connection (and of course many, MANY hours of your precious life).

But be warned, it's a deep and dark rabbit hole, and as the Cyber Gods warn us

"That which has been seen cannot be un-seen"

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I was excited to dive into Bohme after hearing a lecture about him by Manly P. Hall.

Unfortunately there is little in the way of practical techniques, which is what is sorely needed. A no nonsense empirical guide. For that, funny enough, I've found it helpful to turn to science to learn about heartbeat resonance, brainwave states and so on.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

Love it, Harrison. You put it brilliantly. And indeed, maybe we should rejoice if we can attract some Hochstetter dude. But as you said, also jealously guard our sanity against such trolls.

As for Böhme, I started reading "Way to Christ" (original German), and I found some things very straight-forward, but most is, let's say, a bit cryptic :) The oldfashioned German doesn't help of course, so maybe the English translation is more readable if it is done by people who understand Böhme's teaching.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

The article made me think about something... what happens when one vehemently defends something that is undoubtedly a truth as it is and you see the object of that truth being distorted and used for selfish, ideological purposes by others?

That is, suppose there is a written work that carries a clear and consistent message, and then that message is twisted to fit the ideological vision. You know that this is wrong, that they are lying. Then you go and denounce the lie. You know it is deliberate disinformation.

Doesn't that make you a potential Hochstetter?

I have already seen several times discussions where someone uses third party works to adjust it to their opinion and use it as propaganda and even a kind of emotional blackmail. An example is the Ukrainian-Russian conflict where pro-Ukrainian adherents have used works of fiction that without the consent of the original author to show their support or make the characters in that work to be in favor of one side or the other. You know that this is a distortion, a lie and does not reflect the intentions of the original author.

Then the following dynamic occurs and when the followers of the author see that the work is used for ideological or political purposes, things totally alien to the author's idea, and make the complaint. Those who distort the work use the tactic of treating as unimportant or mocking the denouncers, making them look like a maniac Hochstetter.

What to do then when you see that the lie is obvious and you denounce it?

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Oct 4, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

💬 This friend had made a copy. The copy had made the rounds. 👌🔥

↑ Rhymes with ↓

🗨 Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead 😉


💬 the proper opinions for the time of year 😅😂

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Oct 4, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

Wow! What a cool article. Yes, I have seen the Hochsetter effect in action. Dr Stephen Porges, creator of Polyvagal Theory, has his own arch-Hochsetter, for example. The Weinstein's (Bret and Eric) both have theirs. I like your advice, I think it is good, make fun or laughing at them seems an anti-dote - they will definitely not like it at the least. And your post itself is now a tool in the arsenal, people suffering from Hochsetter's can now name them as such: e.g. "You are such a Hochsetter <link to your post>" :-) The name of Boehme and your description of him, reminded me of another Bohm (David, not sure it is pronounced the same), a modern day mystic quantum physicist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvL4uNA4U-k

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

There should be a kinda second-tier heart to hit on re-read 😊

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

While I agree with the last quote by Langan, "If you don't act against the evil committed against you, then God assumes that you like evil or are at least willing to tolerate it, and treats you accordingly," how do I reconcile that with:

" But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

40: And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also.

41: And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.

42: Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

43: Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.

44: But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;"

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>empirical mystics

Great term.

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

Hold steady Dr Malone - don't despair, please! You are our stern and much appreciated and needed. If and when it gets too bad, take a break, come north to our place and I will learn how to make cinnamon buns while you are here! They won't be perfect, but it will be cold, so they will taste good! I think those that set out to 'change the spin' can see a true heart - then, realizing that it isn't their own, feel they must 'dirty' it in the eyes of others... none of those people matter. We are all here, born into this time for a reason. I'd say you have found yours and should know God is behind you all the way. Don't doubt, hold true - go out amongst the horses and breathe deep. They too can see a true heart!

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Seems Mattias Desmet has his Hochstetter's in overdrive. https://mattiasdesmet.substack.com/p/some-notes-on-the-tragicomic-attempt/comments#comment-9532008 Harrison, I linked to this post in the comments there as I felt it was relevant for him. Dr Robert Malone replied that he has shared your post to his GETRR account!!!

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An aspect that you have missed, that now seems to be among us, is that it is possible to persecute people with electromagnetic weapons and with microscopic electro-mechanical implants in the body. If one falls afoul of people in possession of this technology, it makes the solution you propose impossible.

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