This made me smile. Not the topic, oh no, it strikes rather close to home in fact. The writing, however, was very good. Thank you.

I am struck by how little we can do to correct the over-adjusted problem other than letting institutions and businesses fail when they fall prey, making room for those which avoid it for now. Our cultural obsession with ever larger, ever more permanent businesses and institutions, propped up by bailouts and regulation, seems to be the exact wrong answer, making the problem worse along all margins.

Ok, no smiling anymore.

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

There's actually a lot you can do. First, prepare for USD collapse... And everything else (loss of cheap Chinese shit, supply interruptions, having to start making things locally, etc).

Finding like minded friends is probably the most important thing to do.

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Great, but get a move on. It's coming in months, not years (maybe weeks).

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Think of it this way, if you buy a lot of stuff you're going to use anyway, at least you'll use it eventually.

If prices go down, oh well, you needed it. If prices go up, everyone will say you were lucky.

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Another great post. I have been pondering whether, as well as something about our society which is selecting for psychopaths into positions of power, is there something about our society which is creating people who select psychopaths? In my latest post, I delve into the "co-dependency" literature, and I think there is something to this https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/the-fawning-and-appeasement-survival ...

I also think there is an aspect of McGilchrist's work which is often missed, that ties into this theme too,..

This model predicts, for example, that since the evolutionary role of the right hemisphere’s way of attending to the world is the open sustained vigilance needed to look out for threats and predators, those under the spell [of left hemisphere over-activation, e.g. the woke warriors] will be left totally exposed to predatory forces.

They will be completely blind to clear and present dangers and warning signs, and will be unable to heed the warnings of those around them, until it is too late, even when it comes to the children.

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Great points, Gary. I think you're right. There seem to be a bunch of factors all reinforcing each other in a feedback loop. And the worse things get, the less able normal people are to even see the problem!

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Boy and isn’t that just the scariest part?! I think we’re sunk unless some kind of miracle happens as things are quickly becoming worse every single day and the blindness to it is to me the scariest part.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

Its like some ppl are just holding onto what comforts they have left remaining in the storm not realizing THEY have to do something extra to keep those comforts in this scenario. No one is going to save us. What they should do in my opinion is to at least open their closed minds to the reality when ppl try to inform them instead of thinking ppl are conspiracy theorists or whatever lies MSM is telling the sheep to think!!!

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

Yes, that was another great post, and Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor has an interesting view on the 4 characters of the 2 hemispheres of the brain. Her stroke experience gives her a unique insight that few of us have. Her Ted Talk is credited with being one of if not the best Ted talk.


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Yes, she has an interesting story!

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Jul 13Liked by Harrison Koehli

“Is there something about our society which is creating people who select psychopaths?” Yes, our educational system/indoctrination centers. Which came out of the SDS movement, when many members realized through the education system they could eventually control/revolutionize America. Which is exactly what they have done.

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Gary you are so correct it’s uncanny.“They will be completely blind to clear and present dangers and warning signs, and will be unable to heed the warnings of those around them, until it is too late, even when it comes to the children.”

This is my story in trying to warn my grown woke millennial children for some time now. Their increasing hostility which has now become verbally abusive from my eldest anyway in response to, what I have only just now learned they have misinterpreted “as me trying to force my unwanted opinions and or viewpoints onto them” despite “boundaries” being set. I only persisted because I felt such a terrible sense of desperation and dread so that I needed to get through to them somehow but I have failed miserably, spectacularly you might even say. The woke mindset keeps its own reality and is dead set on maintaining it no matter what, I have learned, even at the cost of losing close familial relationships as I was told it was up to me to choose what was more important to me, them or my reality. I have to keep my reality I can’t accept living in clown world so the only solution and it isn’t great in order to not lose my relationship with my children altogether completely and forever is an agreement on both sides to only use small talk going forward, sad and pathetic I know but better than nothing at all. I have learned so much lately and read and received so many truly helpful insightful analyses, responses and explanations including yours for ALL of the craziness up to and including this woke culture we now find ourselves in that has saved my sanity and helps to remove some of my guilt for persisting despite all of the warning signs I was getting to stop. Political correctness that I was beginning to find quite stifling 10 years ago has turned into the woke culture of today and as I had explained to me it is cult like and very difficult if not next to impossible to break through and that’s only if there is any desire at all on their part to break free and to be prepared to accept the harsh reality we actually live in. I wonder how many of us there are globally who didn’t get brainwashed as I’ve learned the woke mindset has affected all generations but sadly the millennials seem to be the largest number affected and I believe Gen Z after them from what I understand.

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So sorry you are suffering from this, and that the mind virus is causing breakdown in relationships. Another aspect of left hemisphere overactivation according to McGilchrist is that people get stuck in their own hall of mirrors, have very black and white thinking and are utterly convinced they are right, and unpersuadable with facts and logic that they are wrong. :-(

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Gary you describe my eldest to a tee still even though some time has passed and so many actual numbers have come out now from various governments around the world showing proof of vaccines causing deaths and serious disabilities and so many injuries and still are with young people still dropping dead daily around the globe! I mended my relationships with them and now two of the three are letting some ugly realities in, as much as they can tolerate I guess, which gives me hope that eventually even my most resistant child will also open her mind. She is highly intelligent and has the highest education of everyone in our family, is a highly skilled nurse and yet she is also the one most resistant to the truth. It’s such a strange phenomenon truly but at least we can still connect on so many other levels where I have learned tolerance and we avoid discussing anything of a controversial nature.

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“Universities, politics, and even some areas of business ever more frequently demonstrate a united front of relatively untalented persons. The word “overeducated” is heard more and more often. … In the meantime, the country as a whole—its administration and politics—suffers due to a deficit in the inspirational role of highly gifted individuals.”

Thus my continual exasperated cry “How the hell did he/she get that position!?”

Another great post.

Like the quote from that Winston bloke 😉

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It's half idiocracy, half pathocracy. ;)

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

Maybe also Idiocracy mashed up with Brazil and Brave New World?

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

This explains why the world has seemingly gone mad! We are being led into madness by a bunch of elitist psychopaths and with Big Tech’s AI and their algorithms.

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I think it was a pre-plan by the glob pigs to take over the western world & make us their permanent slaves!!

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

Enlightening and very well written. Leaves me wondering why more people don't read your stack.

Unfortunately, I know very few people that would, either be interested, or understand your writings. Also, they would have to start from the beginning.

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Jul 13Liked by Harrison Koehli

No better example than the Biden, Harris, Obama, Clinton, Soros Cabal.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli

Harrison thanks for doing this important work. Have just joined and sent you a "private post??" that was written prior to my having read the full article. I initially thought that it was you who had commented on Dr Iain McGilchrists INCREDIBLE work on the differences between the brain hemispheres, as I heard my mention the good doctor in one of your interview with Dr Haltigan. Would like to discuss how Political Ponerology and Dr McGilchrists work fit together like a hand and glove:)

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Replied by email.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli

Wow! You've described Justin Turdeau to a 'T'!

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli

Insightful understanding of a dibilatating problem.

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Nice post. Łobaczewski's book is essential reading. Turchin's recent post on collapsology is worth reading: https://peterturchin.com/cliodynamica/the-collapse-of-simple-societies/ Here's a discussion of some issues related to your post: https://religioning.substack.com/p/why-we-are-not-living-in-a-simulation

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Thanks, Steven. I really like Turchin's work. Reading "War and Peace and War" right now, and have enjoyed his other books too. I'll check out your post too!

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli

Excellent: "We demand the right to abortions for pregnant men!"

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"Oh, and I’m also gonna need you to subscribe, kay."

Only if you promise to put the _new_ cover sheet on your next TPS report. I'll send you another memo.

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When I think too much about how much power these demons in meat suits possess, I become despondent.

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It's an interesting time to be alive. Not sure if this will help, but here's a bit from Ponerology that helps put things into perspective for me at least:

"As a youth, I read a book about a naturalist wandering through the Amazon-basin wilderness. At some moment a small animal fell from a tree onto the nape of his neck, clawing his skin painfully and sucking his blood. The biologist cautiously removed it—without anger, since that was its form of feeding—and proceeded to study it carefully. This story stubbornly stuck in my mind during those very difficult times when the Red vampire fell onto our necks, sucking the blood of a hapless nation.

"Maintaining the attitude of a naturalist, one who attempts to track the nature of a macrosocial phenomenon in spite of all adversity, insured a certain intellectual distance, protected one’s own mental hygiene, and gave a perhaps illusory sense of security. The premonition that this very method may help find a certain creative solution made it easier to exercise strict control over the natural, moralizing reflexes of revulsion and other painful emotions that such an allegedly political system provokes in any normal person when it deprives him of his joy of life and personal safety, ruining his own future and that of his nation. Scientific curiosity becomes a loyal ally during such times."

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli

Interesting… this provided you with a rational form of defence versus an emotional one which was clever of you to embrace. Since the time of this writing I have attempted at stepping back and trying to see things through the lens of my millennial kids eyes which required letting go of my natural defence mechanisms and the resulting hurt which arose when they formed a 3 on 1 verbal group attack on me. I have learned to have more tolerance as I function with the right side of my brain predominantly, and now two of the three of them are letting some reality in within their individual frameworks which gives me some hope. My eldest remains resistant to this day as does a good friend but I have learned to connect on all the levels we still share and enjoy with love playing a large role in that and avoiding hot topics or subjects of discussion so I somewhat distanced myself too but not in a scientific way as you did. We need to bring back showing tolerance to others after so many years of identity politics being rammed down our throats.

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Thank you so much for your kindness Gary. I guess it had to eventually erupt and come to this as you can’t have two opposing viewpoints and keep it going indefinitely. My wise friend said this:

I don’t speak to any of my family about this stuff. I know they don’t see, but they also can’t handle the truth either. Have you ever saw the matrix? Many people are happy in their ignorance. They have a choice to take the blue pill and see the world for what it is or take the red pill and stay in your happy bliss. I have sadly prepared myself for the worst if they all continue to get the vaccines. It’s probably my coping mechanism in all this. I know I can’t change their minds.

I’m thankful I moved away.

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Moving away? Wherever you go, there you are. They are everywhere because of the long arm of cyberspace ….OneWorld is where we live now. 😗

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My friend meant she moved herself away from her home province where her family lives, her parents and grandparents don’t go online, so living in a different province from them she is not forced daily to keep her honest opinions to herself but only has to do so on the few occasions a year when she visits. They are older and set in their ways so she finds it much easier to cope at a distance.

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Hey, if you're interested in the CTMU, I'm forming a study group with some others reviewing the papers on Saturdays. Feel free to email me at friendoftheunderdog@gmail.com

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I believe it is happening due to more than one cause. Geopolitically the world as we knew it has changed with the US being the head of a unipolar world since the end of the 2nd world war as they were the most powerful nation in the world militarily, industrially, economically etc. but just as the Aztecs fell, the Egyptian pharaohs fell, Rome fell, all of the most powerful states eventually fall and the US is now in the process of falling and a new multipolar world is emerging. All of this turmoil since Russia went to war with Ukraine is one cause for the mass migration and I believe the globalists are taking advantage of it because so many immigrants pouring in causes our own nationalities to become more watered down (think of their open borders plan) plus current governments are assured of immigrants votes at election time. Thirdly many countries Japan who has an older population, Canada, France who just arbitrarily raised their retirement age from 62 to 64, the EU countries, the UK, Australia are in trouble with too low of populations once the baby boomers are gone, not enough young people left working and paying taxes to support the country and so few of them having children and if they do one child is the average. So having immigrants come is essential but in Canada we have an “irregular border crossing” not legal in other words and there is no accountability for who is entering or from where which spells trouble plus we don’t have the money or resources required to accommodate the thousands entering daily and we can’t keep up with the housing, schools, doctors, and infrastructure demands! Our immigrants applying legally for citizenship is now insanity, hundreds of thousands on the “wait list” years long to get caught up because our Trudeau liberal government cannot function at providing even the most basic level of services like immigration, like securing and defending our borders, like maintaining our election integrity etc.

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