It has been barely two weeks and already we’re living in another world, one that to me at least seemed remote and unimaginable just two months ago. The change has the potential to be as big—or bigger—than the fall of communism over thirty years ago.
calls it the Second American Revolution. Pundits are saying that Trump has done more in two weeks than Biden did in four years. I’ll go further than that. He is dismantling a pathological system which took decades to build.Read John’s piece below, because he’s right:
Here’s how he put it:
For years now we’ve talked of the left’s Long March Through the Institutions. The metaphor comes from Mao’s conquest of China, but the process has been more similar to the creeping spread of an invasive fungus than it has been to military manoeuvres. Over the course of long decades during which it seemed that the left’s steady advance was absolutely inexorable, progressives slowly, patiently consolidated control over every organ of society. They took power job by job, appointment by appointment, sinecure by sinecure, board position by board position, department by department, committee by committee.
Now consider a couple things that Lobaczewski said about pathocracy. First, when trying to track the historical development of pathocracy, it can be difficult. Its origins stretch back decades, the links between many seemingly independent threads coming together only in retrospect. Like that invasive fungus John mentions, it can be hard to identify at first. A symptom here, a symptom there, but without knowing what to look for the victim only realizes the problem once it is too late. Historically, this has been the case with pathocracy. The point of no return came years ago, and the coup de grâce strikes us like an errant bullet, the wound from which we only notice after the fact, when we feel the warm wetness of the blood soaking our clothing.
But the warnings were there for those who knew where to look. Unfortunately, they’re the ones who are ignored, ridiculed, canceled. Pathocracts have a distinct advantage in this hidden warfare. Few are aware that they even exist, yet they are very aware of their enemies, who come across looking like hysterical conspiracy theorists and Chicken Littles. Then it gets to the point where parents are consenting to having their sons’ testicles and their daughters’ breasts sliced off.
The second point he made is just to reiterate what John describes above. Once a sufficiently saturated ponerogenic group gains a sufficient hold on a political system, that pathological structure extends downwards throughout the entire system. It is not just in the national leadership. A pathological system needs agents at all levels of society, down to the local: schools, banks, small businesses, and the institutions governing them. Mere autocracy has no great interest in controlling your personal life, as long is it can guarantee the longevity of the regime and its monopoly on force. Pathocracy cannot survive unless it controls what you think and feel. It needs to convince you it is normal, and since that is a biological impossibility, it needs to try harder and harder, push further and further, with the ultimate goal of reshaping human nature into its own perverted image. Again, this is an impossible task, and it is the Achilles’ heel of a pathocratic regime.
Here’s John again, describing why:
The enemy has collapsed. Decades of preference falsification have come apart, as they always do, in a preference cascade – people admitting that they don’t actually believe the things they pretended to believe because everyone else was pretending to believe them and they didn’t realize everyone was pretending, only now they do know, so they’re saying what they really believed all along, and so is everyone else. It’s an Emperor’s New Clothes moment, a Fall of the Berlin Wall moment. The invulnerability conferred by the appearance of monolithic consensus has been cracked; the illusion having been dispelled, the spell is impossible to cast again. They’re done.
This appearance of monolithic consensus was a fake, and we have a glimpse at how it was achieved: a massive, worldwide propaganda network backed by billions of dollars laundered through government agencies, blacklists, official cancel campaigns, debanking and discrediting dissidents, promoting and enforcing the entire ideological package domestically and overseas through subversion, bribes, and blackmail. We have been living in the Truman Show, and it’s worse than thought—even by those who were aware of it at the time.
It’s been one giant fraud.
And it shows just how weak the spellbinders actually are. It took decades to build the lie, and two weeks to break it, fatally. And now the liars—those whose power seemed so entrenched, such a fool’s errand to confront—just look effete and clownish. It’s like waking from a bad dream and realizing the monster you so feared was in fact a toy poodle in drag.
I don’t see how the pathocratic left can recover from this. They basically have two options: start all over again, in which case we have decades before they’re able to re-ponerize the institutions currently being gutted by Trump’s attack DOGE. Or attempt a violent coup. But using what army? The Soviet hardliners tried that—ineffectually—but they actually commanded troops. The American Woke have what? Their slush fund has been dismantled, their layers of bureaucratic shell games are being overturned, and the preference cascade has left them naked and exposed.
They can’t pull a JFK, because JFK was a single man who showed signs—mostly in private—of bucking the system. Trump’s entire platform is to buck the system, his administration is on board with that agenda, and their collective support is predicated upon it. You can’t assassinate that. The RFK option didn’t work either—killing him before he could take power. The only real option I see for the bureaucratic machine is continued whiny protest. And that won’t be enough. They really have no option but to admit defeat, take their payout or pension, and reminisce about the times when they were living high on the money extorted from the American public and diverted into their own bank accounts, when it seemed their power was untouchable. The elites are circulating, and the revolution was and will be relatively bloodless.
Lobaczewski referred to the fall of communism as the depathologization of the USSR and its satellites. He described it as a natural process—the logical end to a pathocratic process whereby the silent majority develops into a society of normal people, a parallel institution within yet antithetical to the prevailing regime, and driven only by the common-sense understanding of the people that there is something wrong, alien—something deeply inhuman—about the system itself. In other words, it wasn’t political ponerology per se that brought down the Soviet Union. It was basic humanity operating on a mostly accurate but imprecise heuristic born of practical experience.
The same thing is happening now. Simply focusing on common sense, competence, and decency—even if not completely effective—is still remarkably effective. On decency, as Karen Mitchell points out, sexual deviance (specifically sexual boundarylessness) is an essential component of the predatory personality. The one advantage of the past 8+ years has been that a significant number of sexual deviants have felt comfortable exposing themselves as such. Because competence probably has no meaningful correlation with such deviance, many of those on the lower end of the bell curve have carved out niches for themselves in mostly useless DEI positions—or prioritizing DEI in other positions because they’re too incompetent to manage their actual duties. Now that those positions no longer exist—at least on the federal level—that means that a significant number of them are out of a job. The otherwise competent ones who nevertheless supported them are now at a crossroads: fall on your sword or fall in line.
On competence, Lobaczewski makes this one of the central tenets of logocracy. Unfortunately, western democracy selects for incompetence among its elected representatives. But that doesn’t mean that the agencies and departments have to be stacked with overpaid, underworking, mostly useless employees. Simply focusing on competence will have an additional, if perhaps marginal, depathologizing effect. Not to mention the career kleptocrats who will be exposed after DOGE uncovers who did what.
These are common-sense approaches to fixing a corrupt system. And to all of those joyless blackpillers complaining about “limited hangouts,” there will always be more that could be done. We could complain that these approaches will not eliminate all pathology in the U.S. government. That is just life. If the Trump administration’s only win in this regard was to destroy USAID and DEI, that would still be a major win—the biggest in our lifetime. But I doubt it will be limited to that.
Consider this a return to baseline. We will still have corrupt perverts, but there will be fewer of them in power and they will no longer be actively shaping policy to promote a blatantly pathocratic agenda. There will still be high-functioning psychopathic frauds ascending corporate and governmental ladders—there always are. Billionaires will still rule the country—the U.S. is and always has been a plutocracy. And we will still have freaks like this. They will still represent a Trojan horse time bomb, but we will have decades to prepare for the next outbreak of ideological madness, which is the means by which actual pathocracies form. So take the win, keep it up, and use this time to avoid a repeat in the next generation or two. And in the meantime, enjoy the show.
As some of your readers have hinted at, I too have reservations about Trump and his Techno buddies and their ultimate end game. While I thoroughly support what we are currently witnessing domestically, there are quieter moves which suggest the introduction of a technocracy. Think of the movie by the Matrix creators V for Vendetta - a hyper surveilled and controlled population who must adhere fully to the wishes of the all powerful, all instructive government. While I admired the seemingly well-organised and preplanned gutting and exposure of the fraud and corruption - it’s all almost too easy. The Biden admin was so awful as to be almost a caricature of evil, and the current ‘swashbuckling’ equally ‘too good to be true’. You know better than most the deceit and genius of the psychopathic, narcissistic personality - what’s happening here seems to me the strategic move of the Beast as described in Revelation. Evil creates the problem, elicits a reaction from its prey, then offers them a solution (wolf in sheep’s close/false ‘messiah’). My advice to over joyed Trump friends of mine, ‘stay frosty’
I largely agree with you, but I would urge caution in declaring victory. There is still a long way to go. I think Winston Churchill said it best in 1942:
“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”