I wish this was true but think something else is afoot.

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I think it can be two things. Dismantling the Lunatocracy is really happening but at the same time the tech lords are rapidly building out the digital police state.

My only consolation is the Lunatocrats were building a police state too, so perhaps no net loss.

Taking out digital techno-totalitariansim will be harder than taking out the Lunatocracy. The tech bros are every bit the True Believers in their cause as the Lunatics are in theirs.

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Thanks for that Harrison, another fine piece about what will probably be a true fork in world history. I have been trying to get my head around it for days.

Like you, my mind turned to the crucial scene when Dorothy pulled back the curtain on the Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz.

The collapse of an illusion, disappearing like a ghost in the light of day.

And yet, and yet...

The Wizard was a humbug and a charlatan but the Emerald city was clean and well run, the people were happy, his gifts to the protagonists, the medal, the diploma etc. were symbolic but not totally meaningless, Lion really did show courage and the Scarecrow intelligence. Then he left the Emerald city to the new regime of the Scarecrow once his leadership had been discredited and was untenable.

So that's a complex interplay, a dialectic if you will between the illusion of power and the physical reality. There will always be some degree of humbug and showmanship but there always has to be some solid bones underneath it.

I think you are right that there is very little the Washington DC and aligned pathocrats can do now, they just don't have a solid position to fall back to.

By way of a counterexample, what would happen to a marginal American community like the Amish or the Mennonites if their networks were publicly exposed and their federal payments frozen for 90 days?

All they could fall back on would be their faith in God, their churches, their very large families, their land and their farms, their animals, their tools and skills and a gigantic pile of very nutritious food.

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As some of your readers have hinted at, I too have reservations about Trump and his Techno buddies and their ultimate end game. While I thoroughly support what we are currently witnessing domestically, there are quieter moves which suggest the introduction of a technocracy. Think of the movie by the Matrix creators V for Vendetta - a hyper surveilled and controlled population who must adhere fully to the wishes of the all powerful, all instructive government. While I admired the seemingly well-organised and preplanned gutting and exposure of the fraud and corruption - it’s all almost too easy. The Biden admin was so awful as to be almost a caricature of evil, and the current ‘swashbuckling’ equally ‘too good to be true’. You know better than most the deceit and genius of the psychopathic, narcissistic personality - what’s happening here seems to me the strategic move of the Beast as described in Revelation. Evil creates the problem, elicits a reaction from its prey, then offers them a solution (wolf in sheep’s close/false ‘messiah’). My advice to over joyed Trump friends of mine, ‘stay frosty’

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I also think the technocracy you describe is still the goal of many. The advantage to our side is the neutering of the ideology that has been developed for a couple generations to justify and support it. Without that ideology, it will be harder (but not impossible) to implement. So we're not out of the woods, but we still have a fighting chance, IMO.

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I largely agree with you, but I would urge caution in declaring victory. There is still a long way to go. I think Winston Churchill said it best in 1942:

“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

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Yep. John quoted that too in the article I linked to. Much work to be done. I still think it is *a* victory, if not total victory, though.

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Two weeks to flatten the pathocracy curve I guess, hm? 😄

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It thus conforms Zinn's main hypothesis. Read on. On page 222 of David C. Korten's book, Agenda for a New Economy (2009), there's a quote by Howard Zinn (read it carefully because it matters greatly): "There's a tendency to think that what we see in the present will continue. We forget how often we have been astonished by the sudden crumbling of institutions, extraordinary changes in people's thoughts, 'unexpected eruptions of rebellion against tyrannies' (emphasis added), and the quick collapse of systems of power that seemed invincible." May I insist that you grab a copy of this invaluable book soon? Read Chapter 16, "WHEN THE PEOPLE LEAD, THE LEADERS WILL FOLLOW," from pages 222 to 232. Political science and history support this perspective: a nation that defends its independence and core values (such as democracy, sovereignty, or human rights) is considerably stronger. (Although the statement does not factor in economic stability, the quality of governance, and external alliances.)

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Great comment. I do think that many of those elites purged from government will try to ingratiate themselves in the private sector, harboring plans to continue the subjugation and parasitic extraction process by which they live. But the rank and file will have to change it adopt. From 14,000 USAID employees to 280- that’s 13,720 who will need to find a new way to pay for food and shelter.

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Unfortunately, parasites and predators always seem to find a host and a prey victim.

No matter where they go.

That's how they survive, and have survived throughout all of human history.

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FWIW: Because America’s political system is inherently a federal one, America’s pathocratic system is intrinsically federal. Outside the pathological core in Washington, D.C., the hard divide between relatively non-pathocratic Red States and pathocratic Blue States is glaring.

This reality means the Trump Administration must prosecute a two-front strategy: the first is Washington, of course, the second is against Blue State resistance, where pathocrats retain considerable power inside and outside state capitals and local governments.

The pathocratic elements in Blue States are now striving to delay, obstruct, and otherwise frustrate the depathologization process before it engulfs them. In this fight, they still retain powerful voices inside Congress, the federal courts, and in the administrative state, which is being repurposed by DOGE and other administration officials.

In Washington, the pathocratic fight is about paralyzing the executive branch through the courts. But pathocratic resistance inside Blue States is zeroing in on the deportation of illegal immigrants. Pathocratic state officials are predictably refusing cooperation with federal law enforcement as local activists help illegal immigrants evade capture.

Making matters worse, rogue elements in federal law enforcement are now leaking operational plans to thwart ICE enforcement efforts. Federal courts are issuing injunctions and throwing up additional obstacles.

Demonstrations, protests, civil disobedience, you name it, are inevitable. Armed actions against federal enforcement law enforcement personnel might soon follow.

Blue State pathocrats will of course try to rebrand their behavior as morally just, as a righteous fight against the lawless Trump Administration. Expect to hear the word "lawless" included in almost every pathocratic word spell going forward.

Should Blue States continue to undermine federal enforcement, federal funding cuts, arrests of state officials, and other coercive options will likely come into play. Operation Stargate (discussed in other comments) will likely come to fruition even faster than expected.

Concerns about the country’s political stability and creditworthiness will surge to the fore if resistance turns violent and Blue State governments curtail the flow of tax revenues to Washington.

We might get lucky and avoid the worst, but a much longer, costlier fight may be our fate. Completing the Depathologization of Washington is the necessary condition for victory, but requisite sufficient conditions can only be achieved in Blue States.

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Well put. I think this is why we need some good vibes at this point. It’s not a premature declaration of victory; it’s the motivation not to give now and just roll over because the future is hopeless.

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Stay vigilant and keep the pressure on. Good vibes will follow.

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Good things are happening. But now is not the time to let our guard down.

For starters, it is imprudent, I think, to call the wrong-doers "The Left." These people will take any identity that seems useful to their plans at the time. They have been Nazis, Zionists, Jihadists, even Republicans.

More importantly, if it happened before it can happen again. We know more about people now, but have we changed our institutions to reflect that new knowledge? And how many of us are aware of ALL the new knowledge that has actually been uncovered, and how it does or could apply to our situation?

To make these advances anything like permanent will take a massive educational campaign. People like Joe Rogan and others, with their 2-6 hour podcasts and live streams are making a difference. But so many people are still clueless; they could be fooled again.

Now that we know that "the Wizard" is a fake, what can we do to make some real live permanent "wizards" that will keep this ball rolling for the long haul?

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Agreed. Every past solution has been temporary.

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The pendulum was encouraged to swing so far towards crazy, that dismantling DEI alone is enough to make everyone ignore Starlink's potential to usher in a world so much worse than tranny story hour.

That's how The West was encouraged to swing to the right politically.

Maybe what's being dismantled to wild applause is the window dressing. If behind the scenes while we're distracted by the Trump and Musk show, digital ID and currency, social credit scores and surveillance systems are being implemented by the private sector, then maybe the play is still moving in the same direction and only the scenery has changed.

If a North American Union is being predictively programmed into the collective conscience maybe we're still heading towards one world government. If tech bros are being publicly allowed to head efficiency departments and the Canadian PM can deal with tariff threats without input from Canada's duly elected representatives, maybe we are being led to understand that democracy isn't really all that useful anymore.

If we stop moving towards all of those things, then maybe we'll know we weren't just exchanging black pills for hopium.

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I guess we'll see soon enough! I still don't think it's fair to consider what's being dismantled as mere window dressing, though.

(And incidentally, I don't think democracy is actually that useful in its current form. I'd prefer to try a logocracy.)

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I agree democracy isn't all that useful at present.

In a logocracy, who gets to choose the words and what they mean?

I'd give voluntaryism a go if I could wrap my head around a few sticking points.

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It's a kind of deconditioning that also seems to have been put into action, and that's why we need to see the residue of ‘delirious’ manifestations. Waking up from this sleep induces - and this must be done - the release of traumas through their manifestation?

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Apparently Trump's first and most important action was operation STARGATE.

And it is the most dangerous thing ever happened... from Nano Fascism to AI control.

All the good stuff he is doing... apparently... is undoing the shenanigans of the so called deep state while implementing deep state policy with Trojan whores larrry ellisson peter thiel jeff bezos and elon musk and Bill Gaytes in on it.

Do you want to wait until the Robots rule the streets?

Because then it will be too late.

Trump is a clown in a clown show and the clowns own AI.



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Yes, STARGATE is a supremely bad idea.

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I feel like all of the “good” things happening are distractions from the sinister aspects of Stargate going on under the radar. If it lives up to the “promises” of the money grubbing billionaires (w/ no previous altruistic love of humanity) via more mRNA “vaccinations” & mass surveillance so that the citizenry “behave themselves”, none of those “good” things will matter anyway when we lose our freedom

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At the beginning of Covid when STARLINK was launched I predicted this because STARLINK is the backbone of AI warfare infrastructure.

I also told people that inside the Jabs was Nanotechnology... Elon Musk's Neural lace...

I was right on both.

STARGATE is the finalization of this... Project OMEGA with AI Government and NEURAL LACE controlling the Internet of everything through SPARK a lab grown gigantic AI artificial Brain.

STARGATE is not just a bad Idea... it is AI warfare... Man against Machine.

And Elon Musk is building a 20 Billion strong Robot Army... complimentary to STARGATE.

Please connect the dots... I written countless articles on this and feel free to use it.

I also written the Artificial Intelligence Abuse Prevention Act

And the case for a Class Action Lawsuit because the Data I create belongs to me.


STARGATE is a greater danger to Humanity than WW3.

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We were focused on Hegel, Marx & Marcuse instead of Fleming (Ian), Madoff and Lay.

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What if the "beautiful bombs" Orange Oaf is the leading edge vector of the collective Wetiko Psychosis that now patterns & controls every aspect of US culture or what remains of it.


It seems to me that it was not the dreaded left that staged a long-march-through-the-institutions but TV which has created a TV anti-culture that is at root completely indifferent towards the well-being of all living-feeling-breathing creatures both human and non-human. It could thus be said that the Orange Oaf is the inevitable outcome of this TV anti-culture, which has created a nation of zombies


The Orange Oaf comes out of the there-is-a-sucker-born-every-minute Showbiz Tradition of P T Barnum. Barnum was of course wrong. There are thousands of suckers born every minute.

He IS the in-your-face MESSAGE of the Medium

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