I was doing physical therapy a few years ago after brain tumor surgery and one of my medical transport drivers who hailed from the Middle East was having a conversation with me about the direction America was heading towards with everyone and everything going woke. He said “you can fight an idea, but not an ideology” three and a half years later, I’m starting to understand why he said that
Very well said! And yes, none of this could have grown up in an environment of psychological literacy or with even a minority of people doing inner work on themselves. If that had been the case when this popped up people would say to these folks, "Look, you're wounded, I can see that. Many of us are. You need to work on yourself like I am and like many of us have to. You need to get to the bottom of this issue". If enough people had approached this from the perspective of "knowing" this was pathological compensation from childhood trauma, it would never have caught on. These people would be stuck having to work on themselves (or suicidal). We can stop the spread of these culture-mind viruses by becoming psychologically literate and experienced with inner work ourselves.
I understand you and I agree with you. I also have little faith that intellectual circles will be capable of fathoming the implications of this matter. I have more faith in the growing "red-pilled" populism. In this growing movement we are seeing a "great awakening" of the many symptoms of evil in general. This red pilled movement is now aware of "false flag" operations and many other forms of psychopathic manipulation of the public, so I tend to put faith in these individuals to step up to the next level and connect the symptoms back to their psychological causes. But this requires leadership. This requires individuals who are already knowledgeable to interface with these populist folk and bring this situation to their awareness. With this said, I personally do not place individuals with Cluster A/B personality disorders at the top of the pyramid of evil. I see them as unconscious agents of the "collective shadow" (Jung). My approach has been to deeply investigate the shadow of the human psyche within a Jungian framework, then to update it to 21st century models and offer these plus personal shadow work practices to the public. You can find my latest book Transforming Darkness on my website shadowtechalchemy.com I also was interviewed by Harrison and Elan recently so that interview should be out soon. I would be very interested in hearing your feedback on my approach if you choose to read the book. Cheers and thanks for the comment!
Excellent article thank you! The method behind the madness explained. I have seen the vicious over the top rage of a trans woman with a very masculine build which turned into an outright physical assault on a man protestor who always attends and stands up at lgbtq+ rallies for protecting children from hormone blockers and radical mastectomies and penis removals before the age of being considered an adult in the eyes of the law. You just explained the over the top rage this trans woman displayed reacting to Billboard Chris’ sign and his attempts wandering around trying to get a conversation going with various trans attendees.
Ideological thinking demands that reality by subordinated to some system of thought. Once a society is in the habit of doing this, things will usually get rapidly worse.
Great newsletter, thank you! Among other things, it gave me some new vocabulary to use when discussing these disturbing matters (which I seem to be doing a lot lately).
Just a regular academic, Harrison. I’m supposed to do research in cognitive psychology, but to be honest it’s nearly all teaching these days. But if I can help at all, pick away!
You assume these are mad... but in reality there is order to the principle.
The Ideology presented is not always the Ideology as the root problem.
Also... as evident through History... certain people like Communists Hollywood and the Occult create MPD by simple means like omitting love of by deeply traumatizing people so that they create an alter ego to escape.
And most certainly these Mind control victims protect their abusers as part of the program.
This is called Behavioral Modification Science.
And it has its root in Satanism the Occult and the Cabal.
The aim is to break a personality to split in with the aim to use them.
But Behavioral Modification starts also with diffusing Language so people cannot express themselves such as woke and BLM...
The whole Trans shit is also that... BM but this as Mind Control to society.
Victims are celebrated... Truth which is the Antidote hidden.
"You assume these are mad... but in reality there is order to the principle."
There are actual mad people.
"The Ideology presented is not always the Ideology as the root problem."
Rephrased in terms of ponerology: the surface ideology (often created by schizoids and weaponized by characteropaths) comes to mask a hidden ideology (the further psychopathic weaponization of the characteropathic version).
The Human Mind is a rotating Magnetic energy field.
Thought Rotation is a principle foundation of memory.
Thoughts are electrical currents fueling this Magnetic field.
"Crazy" people have one strong reoccurring thought that leads them always to the same point... the point that they try to get away from.
This leads to negativity and destruction... it seems the only way for them to get out is to destroy... i.e. madness.
The higher the thought rotation is the higher the destructive energy is... there is a pattern to this madness.
However this does not count for the outside induction and fueling of such negative thought rotation.
That can and is achieved with two things.
A) Mind control technologies
B) Demonic Possession
Demons i.e. external entities have no physical body and manifest unseen as thoughts that drive people crazy by blaming others to the point of self destruction.
To get into the cracks and crevices of the thinking and behavior of highly deluded people is something I have seldom indulged in or studied. I daresay there is not that much written about it. But I encounter milder forms of it on the internet and in life all the time. It does get tiresome.
In 1950 Hubbard published a book subtitled "The Modern Science of Mental Health." In this book he asserted that people do irrational things under the influence of past experiences that happened when they were partially or totally unconscious. This idea never caught on widely, even though Hubbard could demonstrate it in people and sometimes "cure" individual cases.
Besides the obvious political challenge this idea posed to the existing psychiatric establishment, I think there was a broader misgiving about the idea that made it difficult to swallow. We can all think of times when we were partially or entirely unconscious. Does that mean that we are all capable of irrational reactions or outbursts? Hubbard portrayed this as a malady not limited to the "mentally ill" but one that needed to be addressed broadly across the entire population. The promise of the book was that we could usher in a new era of sanity on Earth. The unexpressed barrier to this was that we would all have to admit that we could potentially become "mentally ill."
A year or two later, Hubbard, using his therapy technique, discovered past death experiences. This led him to rethink his entire approach. Past lives were for some reason blocked from memory whether or not they contained any trauma. It took years to sort out techniques that would be broadly workable and yet continue to be effective at removing "aberrations" installed during moments of pain or unconsciousness.
Today Scientology remains inscrutable - if not simply misunderstood - to many, including some who have studied it. Yet most of us who have studied it take reincarnation and the hidden influence of unconscious experiences as second nature. If you have not studied or experienced these phenomena, though, these ideas violate many of our most basic assumptions about ourselves.
It is in this context that I learned about psychopathy; the personality that Hubbard calls the Suppressive Person. This came up first in his experience, I think, because this personality threatened the work of Hubbard's organizations. This was true even before the movement became a church in 1954. It was also noticed that such personalities were pure poison for someone undergoing therapy. On both these counts, Hubbard had to address the problem.
We now have a similar problem erupting more generally in society. It was always there, but not so much in our faces. Marx invented his apology for being unable to keep a job and honestly care for his family in the mid-1800s. And there were others, I imagine, who came before him, pushing ideologies primarily aimed at justifying the rule of those mentally and morally unfit to rule.
We thought that "democracy" would protect us from mentally and morally unfit rulers. But it hasn't. And we still have to deal with the politically powerful who "rule" nations or institutions that have never really embraced democratic principles.
All these demented people use ideology as their justification or excuse. For those of us more rational, how are we supposed to tell where workable ideas end and justifications posing as political (or psychological) ideologies begin? The insane among us will of course denounce the workable ideas that threaten to expose them and remove them from power. So we can't rely on "authorities" to solve this for us. Even Jordan Peterson is under the influence of incorrect and unworkable ideas about human development and psychology. Yet he does quite well as his impulse to remain rational is so strong. For most of us, that impulse is all we have to keep ourselves and our society surviving. It is a good place to start, but will not take us all the way due to this mechanism of forgetting that we are all suffering from. You can't learn from mistakes that you can't remember committing.
I was doing physical therapy a few years ago after brain tumor surgery and one of my medical transport drivers who hailed from the Middle East was having a conversation with me about the direction America was heading towards with everyone and everything going woke. He said “you can fight an idea, but not an ideology” three and a half years later, I’m starting to understand why he said that
Very well said! And yes, none of this could have grown up in an environment of psychological literacy or with even a minority of people doing inner work on themselves. If that had been the case when this popped up people would say to these folks, "Look, you're wounded, I can see that. Many of us are. You need to work on yourself like I am and like many of us have to. You need to get to the bottom of this issue". If enough people had approached this from the perspective of "knowing" this was pathological compensation from childhood trauma, it would never have caught on. These people would be stuck having to work on themselves (or suicidal). We can stop the spread of these culture-mind viruses by becoming psychologically literate and experienced with inner work ourselves.
I understand you and I agree with you. I also have little faith that intellectual circles will be capable of fathoming the implications of this matter. I have more faith in the growing "red-pilled" populism. In this growing movement we are seeing a "great awakening" of the many symptoms of evil in general. This red pilled movement is now aware of "false flag" operations and many other forms of psychopathic manipulation of the public, so I tend to put faith in these individuals to step up to the next level and connect the symptoms back to their psychological causes. But this requires leadership. This requires individuals who are already knowledgeable to interface with these populist folk and bring this situation to their awareness. With this said, I personally do not place individuals with Cluster A/B personality disorders at the top of the pyramid of evil. I see them as unconscious agents of the "collective shadow" (Jung). My approach has been to deeply investigate the shadow of the human psyche within a Jungian framework, then to update it to 21st century models and offer these plus personal shadow work practices to the public. You can find my latest book Transforming Darkness on my website shadowtechalchemy.com I also was interviewed by Harrison and Elan recently so that interview should be out soon. I would be very interested in hearing your feedback on my approach if you choose to read the book. Cheers and thanks for the comment!
“The self-compulsion of ideological thinking ruins all relationships with reality." -- Hannah Arendt
And, it seems like today one is constantly pressured to submit to an ideology.
Like consensus reality ("The reality") as seen on TV, in the newspaper, etc.
It is AMAZING how easily humans are herded by simply telling them the same stories repeatedly.
Excellent article thank you! The method behind the madness explained. I have seen the vicious over the top rage of a trans woman with a very masculine build which turned into an outright physical assault on a man protestor who always attends and stands up at lgbtq+ rallies for protecting children from hormone blockers and radical mastectomies and penis removals before the age of being considered an adult in the eyes of the law. You just explained the over the top rage this trans woman displayed reacting to Billboard Chris’ sign and his attempts wandering around trying to get a conversation going with various trans attendees.
Ideological thinking demands that reality by subordinated to some system of thought. Once a society is in the habit of doing this, things will usually get rapidly worse.
Informative, concise, to the point, love it!
Great newsletter, thank you! Among other things, it gave me some new vocabulary to use when discussing these disturbing matters (which I seem to be doing a lot lately).
Nice to hear, Jason. BTW, are you a research or clinical psychologist (or both)? I'd love to pick your brain sometime.
Just a regular academic, Harrison. I’m supposed to do research in cognitive psychology, but to be honest it’s nearly all teaching these days. But if I can help at all, pick away!
Thanks for following up on the Peterson-Schellenberger exchange...
Fatal flaws in your observation.
You assume these are mad... but in reality there is order to the principle.
The Ideology presented is not always the Ideology as the root problem.
Also... as evident through History... certain people like Communists Hollywood and the Occult create MPD by simple means like omitting love of by deeply traumatizing people so that they create an alter ego to escape.
And most certainly these Mind control victims protect their abusers as part of the program.
This is called Behavioral Modification Science.
And it has its root in Satanism the Occult and the Cabal.
The aim is to break a personality to split in with the aim to use them.
But Behavioral Modification starts also with diffusing Language so people cannot express themselves such as woke and BLM...
The whole Trans shit is also that... BM but this as Mind Control to society.
Victims are celebrated... Truth which is the Antidote hidden.
Hacking the Human
"You assume these are mad... but in reality there is order to the principle."
There are actual mad people.
"The Ideology presented is not always the Ideology as the root problem."
Rephrased in terms of ponerology: the surface ideology (often created by schizoids and weaponized by characteropaths) comes to mask a hidden ideology (the further psychopathic weaponization of the characteropathic version).
Rephrasing. and explaining.
The Human Mind is a rotating Magnetic energy field.
Thought Rotation is a principle foundation of memory.
Thoughts are electrical currents fueling this Magnetic field.
"Crazy" people have one strong reoccurring thought that leads them always to the same point... the point that they try to get away from.
This leads to negativity and destruction... it seems the only way for them to get out is to destroy... i.e. madness.
The higher the thought rotation is the higher the destructive energy is... there is a pattern to this madness.
However this does not count for the outside induction and fueling of such negative thought rotation.
That can and is achieved with two things.
A) Mind control technologies
B) Demonic Possession
Demons i.e. external entities have no physical body and manifest unseen as thoughts that drive people crazy by blaming others to the point of self destruction.
Your turn.
To get into the cracks and crevices of the thinking and behavior of highly deluded people is something I have seldom indulged in or studied. I daresay there is not that much written about it. But I encounter milder forms of it on the internet and in life all the time. It does get tiresome.
In 1950 Hubbard published a book subtitled "The Modern Science of Mental Health." In this book he asserted that people do irrational things under the influence of past experiences that happened when they were partially or totally unconscious. This idea never caught on widely, even though Hubbard could demonstrate it in people and sometimes "cure" individual cases.
Besides the obvious political challenge this idea posed to the existing psychiatric establishment, I think there was a broader misgiving about the idea that made it difficult to swallow. We can all think of times when we were partially or entirely unconscious. Does that mean that we are all capable of irrational reactions or outbursts? Hubbard portrayed this as a malady not limited to the "mentally ill" but one that needed to be addressed broadly across the entire population. The promise of the book was that we could usher in a new era of sanity on Earth. The unexpressed barrier to this was that we would all have to admit that we could potentially become "mentally ill."
A year or two later, Hubbard, using his therapy technique, discovered past death experiences. This led him to rethink his entire approach. Past lives were for some reason blocked from memory whether or not they contained any trauma. It took years to sort out techniques that would be broadly workable and yet continue to be effective at removing "aberrations" installed during moments of pain or unconsciousness.
Today Scientology remains inscrutable - if not simply misunderstood - to many, including some who have studied it. Yet most of us who have studied it take reincarnation and the hidden influence of unconscious experiences as second nature. If you have not studied or experienced these phenomena, though, these ideas violate many of our most basic assumptions about ourselves.
It is in this context that I learned about psychopathy; the personality that Hubbard calls the Suppressive Person. This came up first in his experience, I think, because this personality threatened the work of Hubbard's organizations. This was true even before the movement became a church in 1954. It was also noticed that such personalities were pure poison for someone undergoing therapy. On both these counts, Hubbard had to address the problem.
We now have a similar problem erupting more generally in society. It was always there, but not so much in our faces. Marx invented his apology for being unable to keep a job and honestly care for his family in the mid-1800s. And there were others, I imagine, who came before him, pushing ideologies primarily aimed at justifying the rule of those mentally and morally unfit to rule.
We thought that "democracy" would protect us from mentally and morally unfit rulers. But it hasn't. And we still have to deal with the politically powerful who "rule" nations or institutions that have never really embraced democratic principles.
All these demented people use ideology as their justification or excuse. For those of us more rational, how are we supposed to tell where workable ideas end and justifications posing as political (or psychological) ideologies begin? The insane among us will of course denounce the workable ideas that threaten to expose them and remove them from power. So we can't rely on "authorities" to solve this for us. Even Jordan Peterson is under the influence of incorrect and unworkable ideas about human development and psychology. Yet he does quite well as his impulse to remain rational is so strong. For most of us, that impulse is all we have to keep ourselves and our society surviving. It is a good place to start, but will not take us all the way due to this mechanism of forgetting that we are all suffering from. You can't learn from mistakes that you can't remember committing.