Sep 15, 2022Liked by Harrison Koehli

That was a great discussion. For me, there is no doubt that without getting our metaphysics straight, we are lost, and all we can do is argue about definitions and run in circles. I doubt that a metaphysical system is something that can be "nailed" though; there will always be certain contradictions. Resolving those is more a matter of "growing into the light" so to speak, but the results are difficult/impossible to put into words. We must try though!

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I quit being a Rosicrucian when I read that Rosicrucians believe that all humans are reincarnated and that ALL of humanity is on the road to Englightenment. No questioning is allowed. There is obviously evil in the world and it must be confronted and destroyed on a spiritual level. It is difficult to fight evil (as Nietzsche warned) without becoming evil.

As repeated ad nauseum in the STAR WARS movies, we must Use the Force.

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Yes. The denial of the reality of evil is one of our most pressing problems.

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Can you provide a working definition of "gnostic" for those of us new to some of these terms?

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In the most general terms: the mystical branch of Christianity - emphasizing personal spiritual visions and transformation. (e.g., Jacob Boehme, Meister Eckhart.) Akin to the hesychast tradition in Eastern Orthodoxy. Gnosis means personal knowledge of the divine, or God.

In more specific terms: the dualist heresies that emphasize the existence of a force for evil in the cosmos, which has our world in its thrall. (e.g., some of the Nag Hammadi texts, Manichaeans, Cathars) They have specific terminology like Demiurge and Archons.

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Why don't you all read a Bible? That tells you everything you ever need to know about evil.

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