Turchin just put up a new blog post: a new foreword to his book on American cliodynamics: Ages of Discord. Check it out here: https://peterturchin.com/cliodynamica/an-intermediate-retrospective-on-ages-of-discord/

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I was about to ask "so where are we in the cycle?" :-)

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By way of canonical illustration cum gorgeous feast for eyes, here's Thomas Cole’s pentaptych The Course of Empire --> arthistoryproject.com/subjects/politics/the-course-of-empire, 1833–36

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🗨 Some books are to be tasted; others swallowed; and some few to be chewed and digested. ~~Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St Albans, aka Lord Verulam

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Fascinating thanks. Going to take me awhile to understand it all.

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If you have any questions, let me know! One of the curses of summarizing a good book is that it's impossible to include all the context and examples that serve as support. So it's always possible that what I think is a succinct distillation might not be as comprehensible for others as it is in my mind, with all the context fresh at my mental fingertips.

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Just ordered Turchin's War and Peace and War. Also DL'd Ibn Khaldun's thesis on asabiya.

Around 2014-15 I saw a few troubling vids. One showed a little Arab boy run onto a mattress, grab a stuffed bunny, then take a long knife and chop its head off. (I mean this kid couldn't have been more than three or four) There was a large green and black flag pinned on the wall.

I also saw a video of a young adolescent boy crawling under a barb wire covered trench while his adult trainers fired live rounds inches in front of him. Worse yet, I saw a young arab boy using a butcher knife to behead a grown man accused of being a spy.

Back in the 90's, 00's I ran a guest services program for a Christian camp. "Organized camping" is what its called. It belonged to an association of camps that collaborated on numerous facets of this type of 'hospitality industry'. Rest assured, one thing that saturates *every* one of them is the concept, the compulsion to make everything fun. Activity for activity's sake, but always fun. And so it goes throughout our nation's decline. Sports, leisure, etc. Everywhere. Raise the alarm? Sure. Get fired or de-platformed.

Let America train their kids to have fun while our unseen masters train their kids to make war.

I can't help but think there's some grist for a metaethnic community in there but unsure where to find it...

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