Aug 10Liked by Harrison Koehli

This is a valuable post. Thank you. One item in particular stands out:

". . . as Mitchell writes, “identification of human predators is key to survival.” “The cost to society of people of DP is substantial and negatively impacts all aspects of human existence.

To condense that even more, we might say this: "Dark triad psychopathy is an existential threat." These dark personalities may be the primary cause of various other recognized existential threats to human survival, from nuclear energy and weaponry to bioweapons to environmental destruction to medical iatrogenic harms. Astute readers can add many more such threats.

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Aug 10Liked by Harrison Koehli

Which is why we need a checklist!

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Aug 10Liked by Harrison Koehli

Strangely behaving dogs are shot without having been given a rabies test. However, human beings must have due process before having their access to power completely eliminated.

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Aug 10Liked by Harrison Koehli

For decades I have wondered why psychopathic profiling was not used to filter political candidates, until the reason why that is became obvious to me.

But yes, all political candidates should be profiled, as they like to profile us.

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The most obvious and dangerous existential threat that has been revealed since the plandemic of 2020 is the high concentration of DP predators and parasites in government, the IC and military. The WHO and UN can also be added to that list too.

Centralized psychopathy in any form is very dangerous!

It seems to be incorrect to say that psychopaths cannot work together, since they appear to be working together too well for everyone else's good.

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Aug 17Liked by Harrison Koehli

Andrew Lobaczewski explained that such persons identify one another instantly, and are drawn to one another almost telepathically. H. Koehili has done great work in bringing "Political Ponderology" to the public. Yes, indeed, they work together, and draw in many others . . .

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Aug 17Liked by Harrison Koehli

Yes, Political Ponerology does not get the attention and respect that it deserves.

I'm also reading Hervey Cleckley's 'The Mask of Sanity', and Robert Hare's 'Without Conscience', and Paul Babiak and Robert Hare's 'Snakes in Suits' which are all excellent supporting sources for this same topic.

One of them theorized that while psychopaths identify one another instantly, they are rarely able to work together since they are inherently in competition with each other, as all predators are. That is their ultimate downfall and defeat.

They must be aware that even if they work together, eventually they will eliminate each other in their competition for total control. Symbolized by the snake eating its own tail. In the end they will destroy each other since that is their nature.

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Sep 9Liked by Harrison Koehli

"One of them theorized that while psychopaths identify one another instantly, they are rarely able to work together since they are inherently in competition with each other, as all predators are. That is their ultimate downfall and defeat."

What you note here is what I have said for many years about the leftwing Neo-Marxist WOKE types against the equally totalitarian Religion of Peace. Ahem. They cooperate only as long as it is to the advantage of both totalitarian groups. If we do not stop them first, once they wipe out or subdue their proclaimed enemies, they will turn on one another for the Clash of the Titans.

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Aug 9Liked by Harrison Koehli

The Predator is a throwback to an earlier stage of humanity when the predator had a valid social role as hunter and warrior. Today's society has no use for or employment for this personality type. Those roles are automated. Society's attempts at control merely sends the drives deeper into the subconscious where they are distorted before returning in dark form. The cleverest predators will find a way to use the levers of society to prey on people.

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Aug 10Liked by Harrison Koehli

"...the predator had a valid social role as hunter and warrior."

I'm not sure that I agree with this. I can't see a smooth continuum from the characteristics of the Dark Personality type to skill as a hunter or warrior.

I think there is a tendency among modern urban types to think that the defining skill of a hunter is the desire to, or ease in killing animals, but this is only ever going to be a small part of what they do. Strength, stoicism and patience will do much better for a hunter, which is much more a job of work than a desire to kill.

I do however see a continuum from the hunter to the warrior, a hunting party smoothly morphs into a war party. But here the modern urbanite may have a tendency to see the ancient warrior as a prize fighter or gladiator where a capacity for brutal violence may seem to be the most desirable characteristic, but I don't believe this is so either.

The psychopathic Dark Personality may have a lack of fear along with their lack of empathy and this may look a lot like bravery, certainly desirable for a warrior, but the war party, like the hunting party is essentially a cooperative venture and these personality types are terrible at working with others.

After a recommendation from Harrison, I read Hervey Cleckley's classic work on psychopathy "The Mask of Sanity" and was struck by his naming of Alcibiades as a probable psychopath. Some may consider Alcibiades a great general, but it could equally be argued that he was a terrible general, he betrayed everyone he ever fought with, sometimes more than once. A characteristic of a great warrior or leader of warriors has to be loyalty, something that the psychopath just doesn't have.

In summary, while I am a believer in evolutionary psychology, specifically that we still carry psychological traits better suited to more ancient times, I don't think that these dark personality traits are among them. I think a better model for them is parasitic, they have never been an advantage to society.

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Agree with Jack on this one. The thing that made humans good hunters was cooperation, i.e. hunting bands. We survived because of the ability to hunt large game in groups, which requires acting as a team. Psychopaths aren't particularly good at that. In fact, I'd say that there was never a great time to be a psychopath, historically, except the present. In hunter-gather times, they were killed by their tribesmen in "hunting accidents" or thrown off a cliff. It's modern times where psychopaths thrive the best, IMO.

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I didn't say that the ancient hunter was a psychopath. A hunter is not automatically a psychopath, so keep that separation in mind. The hunter had an important role to play in favor of the whole tribe, whether hunting in groups or singly, or both. The hunter only becomes a psychopath when his original role no longer has any outlet. For that reason it would be wise not to try and suppress the hunter instinct but to allow for a natural curiosity about hunting when it arises, just as we allow a child to explore an interest in art or music.

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Gonna have to check that study out. Working my way through this one at the moment


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Aug 31Liked by Harrison Koehli

"...as individuals with leftist political attitudes can be assumed to be striving for social equality, we expected left-wing authoritarianism to also be positively related to prosocial traits."

That was quite an assumption on the part of these authors. I hope they dissuade themselves of it by the end of the study. Which I have not read completely yet. Their "striving for social equality" is part of their mask, I would think.

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Aug 10Liked by Harrison Koehli

I see you have a lot more to go over in subsequent articles.

As I have mentioned several times before, Hubbard categorized such people as "Suppressive Persons" and developed a set of characteristics which most of them share, as well as a set of characteristics which "Social Personalities" share, that are generally absent from the SP. He suggested using all of these attributes to evaluate someone.

But while Hubbard did have a desire to give advice that would be useful in social situations, he was actually focused on developing material that would be useful in therapeutic situations. He practiced his own form of therapy, mostly for research purposes, and his students also used these techniques to help each other and others. He wanted his Case Supervisors and well as therapists ("Auditors") to be able to recognize such personalities, as they require special handling if they get involved with the Church (which they sometimes do).

The interest I find in Hubbard's work is that it does recognize and use material from past lives. If modern academics continue to refuse to use this resource, they will continue to fall short of their research goals.

I started watching a recent interview with Karen, but didn't finish it. Her approach IS unique. Too bad she couldn't interview Hubbard. But she might be able to interview a living professional auditor. Most of them have had some experience with these types of people.

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Aug 10Liked by Harrison Koehli

As an addendum, I did download and look through Karen's thesis. It should be noted that this paper is the size of a BOOK. It is researched and written by a fully grown woman with years of experience in the corporate world, as well as other environments. She returned to school to get a PhD and wrote this thesis in the process. In my experience, it expresses the essence of the "Dark Personality" better than any other academic attempt up to this point.

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Well said, Larry!

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Aug 10Liked by Harrison Koehli

I look forward to the future articles.

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Aug 10Liked by Harrison Koehli

Excelkent! A huge leap forward in identifying our victimizers!

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Wow. This is especially evil.

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Aug 9Liked by Harrison Koehli

Thx for the reference...Thesis sounds fascinating.

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Aug 14Liked by Harrison Koehli

Another excellent article, I have to say the Clockwork Orange reference (Kubrick was a genius) brought back the signature scene for me, and somewhat appropriate scene for this article.

It's at the end while Alex is lying in the hospital bed and the politician has to feed him, the way Alex opens his mouth, utterly obscene, and perfect.

The scene at 1:26 in.


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I was thinking about using that one before deciding on one where you can see the politician's face. Yep, perfect scene.

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Aug 11Liked by Harrison Koehli

You must see "Funeral In Berlin", the last minute or two is what made me think of you. The British spy chief is not only perplexed, basically unable to comprehend why his agent would not accept money for the death of the bad guy.

That's the thing I would not have seen without Political Ponerology. It's not a lack of intellect or a side effect of ruthlessness. Some powerful people are genuinely incapable of understanding the motives of a normal conscience.

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Aug 10Liked by Harrison Koehli

Um..more please? Can you give e the 24 attributes etc?

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Coming in future parts! I'll be writing a whole series on this.

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Aug 10Liked by Harrison Koehli

Thank you!

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Hi Harrison, Many thanks for the heads up on this. I will read with great interest. GM

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10

This is why the death penalty is a necessity, why State power should always be curtailed and decentralised, and why a biblical worldview is essential -

Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness:

in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly,

and will not behold the majesty of the LORD.

- Isaiah 26:10

“Psychopath Reprobates” Documentary

How the Biblical teaching of reprobates explains the modern epidemic of psychopaths.


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Depending on which approach we take...

There is a truth a half truth an inconvenient truth and a lie hidden in plain sight.

The Lie at first is that we are all the same.... contained in the approach of the argument.

The half truth is that the minority that are predators feed on the majority who are gentiles.

And this is also an inconvenient truth that they are very organized.

The real inconvenient truth is that they cannot under no circumstances be human because they sinply by their action are not.

So to treat them as humans and measure them as humans serves two purposes... one to downgrade humanity... two to gaslight humanity.

And it serves a third purpose not to realize that these non Humans have invaded Human Society with intent of harm and total destruction of the Human race.

And that from the Top.

You will find more truth in my essay on who they are and where they came from ...

They are predators for sure... we are gentiles for sure.

To treat them as if they are us would be a great scientific fallacy a strategic mistake and a philosophical questionable en-devour.


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Interesting for sure. Models have been shown to useless for solving complex problems. A perfect example is climate and weather modules with many confounders.

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please give us some hints!

(I don't see how her approach differs from Hare, as he seemed as well willing to nail down things to the core)

Thanks for promoting her work! Looking forward to her findings!

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