Oct 11Liked by Harrison Koehli

Looking forward to viewing your video, Harrison.

Oddly, just before it arrived in my inbox, I had been re-reading the bibliography of the Ponerology book (*2nd ed.). I noticed listed there the book about the Palo Alto high school suicide cluster around ten years ago. I had read that book when it came out.

What strikes me is that suicide clusters tend to revolve around Psychopaths somewhere in the background mix. Made me wonder at the time whether the suicide victims had each been influenced unknowingly by a common Psychopath.

Also made me wonder whether we might take as an indication of pathocracy the adoption and use of state-euthanasia in any given country. Those are large suicide clusters.

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Oct 11·edited Oct 12

For what it worth, I put unfettered abortion in the same category -- as an indication of a creeping pathocracy in the given country.

Psychopaths often carry out indirect snuffing of life in the vulnerable groups before they hit the pool of normals.

It is a warning, as far as I am concerned.

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The book, Political Ponerology - I found it utterly mind-blowing, to use an overused term. I found oit brilliant. Fortunately for me, there is an audio version (computer generated, but so helpful as I could be making supper and listening). I wrote several posts on it. I understand having a Substack dedicated to this brilliant book. And the video is a great introduction. WHAT I GOT MOST FROM THE VIDEO: THE BASIC PROBLEM IS NOT RELIGION OR POLITICAL IDEOLOGY, BUT THE COMING TO POWER, THE TAKE-OVER OF SOCIETY, OF THE PSYCHOPATHIC PERSONALITY BECAUSE WE DO NOT HAVE OUR DEFENSES UP.

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p.s. Hopefully in the future we'll have an audiobook done by a real human!

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Oct 11·edited Oct 12Liked by Harrison Koehli

"But the most important is what Lobaczewski calls the first criterion of ponerogenesis. This is the inability to recognize pathological behavior as pathological. "

This is why the canaries-in-the-coalmine are driven to distraction while giving their warnings when a pathocracy is making itself known in a society. Everyone else is blind!

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Oct 11Liked by Harrison Koehli

Clear and concise, this is another priceless post. It deserves a wide audience. Thank you.

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This is a great summary.

I have always had problems reading Lobaczewski because of his writing style. This a very useful summary that you should link to in your other articles. Otherwise, it can be a bit hard for new readers to follow.

While I do not use Lobaczewski‘s terminology, I have written about similar topics in some of my articles that your readers may be interested in:





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Oct 11Liked by Harrison Koehli

That was a pretty good visualization of your work. I hope it makes an impact!

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Oct 11Liked by Harrison Koehli

"This is what occurred within the so-called social justice movement. "

Leftwing WOKE ideology....which is now pathocracy/totalitarianism. And totally unhinged.

Not that rightwing ideology cannot also become totalitarian (I think here of extremist religions).

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Oct 12Liked by Harrison Koehli

Harrison --- excellent video!

I will share the link wherever I am able.

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Oct 11Liked by Harrison Koehli

"The human dynamic at play here is this: we all have natural tendencies that, in ordinary circumstances, are useful. We give people the benefit of the doubt; it’s hard to believe that everyone is lying all the time, and life would be impossibly complex if that were the case..."

Robert Cialdini goes deeply into this concept in his books, "Influence" and "Pre-Suasion".

He discusses the evolutionary adaptive and helping mechanisms that some of the human cognitive shortcuts were designed to be. Trouble is, when someone finds and mis-uses the loopholes inherent in them. It is what con-artists and Psychopaths do.

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Oct 11·edited Oct 12Liked by Harrison Koehli

In my opinion, this mining for loopholes, and using them against the spirit of the idea, is what Cluster-B leaders generally do to the Constitutional documents/promises of supposedly democratic countries.

After all, citizens do not know that their Constitutional ideas and guarantees will actually hold, unless/until these are tested. Generally they are working on faith and trust that this is the case.

They may not be tested for a long stretch of time. The masses are lulled into complacency. Then, when it comes to the point the citizenry needs to be able to count on that Constitutional document and its guarantees.....suddenly you have the Cluster-B leader wiggling out of the responsibilities and safeguards through underhanded use of loopholes.

Same as every con-artist and Psychopath does. They take advantage of trusting human nature in order to do their dirty work.

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Oct 14Liked by Harrison Koehli

Thank you for writing this. It really clarified political ponerology which I read this summer.

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My pleasure!

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Oct 13Liked by Harrison Koehli

Thanks for posting awareness. I personally needed to be able to know the proper terminology and description that I never could quite put my finger on regarding the deflecting and reverse dialogue. Described in your essay. Funny how I've not seen any conservative politicians that weren't RINO'S like Bush/Chaney, McCain, Flake, and Romney (sorry Mitt, but nobody believes you, and good luck with that grooming the future thing that was your excuse for not running for re-election this year. Hopefully that endeavor gets shut down before then).

Absolutely shocked to know how intentional those tactics are so relevant today within American politicians. That's why the outliers have the advantage of being more rational with regard to their perspectives, versus insane.

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Oct 12Liked by Harrison Koehli

Useful knowledge.

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I wish this and all other aspects of Ponerology on Substack were not behind a paywall, or a 'subscribe' wall for comments. If anytype of information should be widely and freely made available, this is it.

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Who's got a paywall?

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This is not behind a paywall, nor is the video (both of which take considerable time, talent and financial support to produce). Even if this content was behind a paywall, don't you think it worth more than a couple of cups of coffee a month?

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I suspect that no one funds Harrison's work formally, however. What you are saying is that he should work on a volunteer basis. Although it requires an enormous amount of effort and skill to understand this subject well, and to communicate that.

Do you work solely voluntarily?

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I welcome you to find a formal funding source, then, and pass on this information. Since you seem quite concerned.

Let us know.....

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