“… and to be free from political ideologies and propaganda.” A noble goal, to figure out how to create institutions that would stay focused on their codified goals and not stray into other political concerns.

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Yes. I think Chris Rufo's upcoming book, America's Cultural Revolution, will give some important data to consider in this regard. Perhaps L's suggestions would have the effect of precluding this from happening, but knowing precisely how it has happened this time around may provide additional insights.

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Thanks HK. 100% Education, Science need to be independent from any interference.

Also need to be restored to their original definition & terms of reference.

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As extra support for this idea, I will cite an expert: my mom. ;) She's an ex-teacher and told me the same thing.

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No institution remains autonomous. As soon as those who control the levers of power and finance recognize such, no holds are barred in subduing such an organization. Ever.

If the answer is "more government" then you're asking the wrong questions.

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What if the answer is, "roughly the same amount of government, or even less, and distributed more federally"? ;)

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Are there still central banks involved? How much less? The current amount is in excess by a factor of at least 1k. Distributed federally? noh. hard pass.

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Not a fan of federal populism? https://thecirculationofelites.substack.com/p/federal-populism

As for banks, is there a way to get back on the gold standard?

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There's some good ideas in that article. But it's a lot to digest. Certainly worth considering.

If we could get back to a gold standard, that would be better. It's a long road there though, from where we are now.

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As for the populism article, check out the couple he published right after that one too. They're on the same subject (all of which will be included in some form probably in his next book).

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