A referendum should be a compulsory approval by at least 75% of citizens and residents as that is how they would achieve consent by the governed?

BTW while many have praised the South African constitution that resulted from a referendum asked by the political party in power at the time, it was never ratified by a referendum and that fact it was written by socialists and communist and progressives, it is problematic. It has denied the people of many rights and was foisted on the people.

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I am unaware of any super humans involved in the crafting of the US Constitution. Perhaps you could elaborate.

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Many worship our founders and very exceptional people. And there are some who think they had some sort of divine or saintly (angelic?) assistance. I believe that line in the article refers to our super-reverence for out founders.

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I think this is what Lobaczewski was implying. As a non-American, I see this from the outside looking in. There is a reverence for the founding fathers that borders on the hagiographic at times. This might not express itself in any random person I meet, but is noticeable in writing and the general aura surrounding such figures.

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I’ve never met such people. I wouldn’t know where to find them.

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I would guess that most special people, or great people, are not seen as great until long after they are dead. I believe that even happened with people like Jesus or the Buddha.

I am not aware of any modern great politicians. Some point to Putin. But it seems obvious he got played by someone when he decided to attack Ukraine. I feel fortunate to have studied under and served my teacher. But though he has been gone since 1986, he is still not widely revered, though his students certainly consider him someone very special. And though there are many persons who I have become aware of that I look up to, none of them wrote a Declaration of Independence then organized an armed resistance to make that declaration stick.

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