Man, shortly into that I started expecting Glazov to come out with "Look, Stalin did nothing wrong. Lobaczewski is totally unfair here." That really is some awful framing and truth stretching, to the point it seems really obvious he wants you to disregard what L. says before even reading it.

Now, what sort of person wouldn't want you to even consider that many political leaders have pathological personalities... hmmm... what kind of person wants you to dismiss the possibility that those who seek coercive power over others are exactly those sorts who have a mental bent towards exercising coercive power over others, like some sort of psychopath... hmmm... what kind...

I dunno, maybe it will come for me while I am sleeping. To me... come to me... what kind of person would come for me while I am sleeping...

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- Glazov

In another shocking development Doktor Faustus wasn’t peer reviewed either. Crackpot novel about fictitious alchemist as a reflection on 20th century totalitarianism? Lol. Double lol.

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If your readers want an easy summary of Harrison's material, here's a podcast about my new book, Cassandra's Memo: COVID and the Global Psychopaths, and a way to download the book free. This is germaine to your article and summarizes the whole situation.





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The use of triple parentheses in the title gives the game away, and is consistent with the author's preoccupation with L's supposed antisemitism. Admittedly it's been a while since I read the work, but I don't recall Jewish influence having been much discussed - if it was, it was to emphasize that this is a misunderstanding that misses the heart of the issue, namely characteropathy.

Presuming the reviewer to be of Jewish descent himself - which I think is not wholly without basis, given his seeming obsession with the topic - it's a good example of the emotional overreaction to certain flavors of sociopolitical critique and interpretation that is often seen from certain quarters of the Jewish community. The usual pattern is for someone to say something (e.g. Musk, "Who owns the media?") and for Jewish voices to freak out and say "Stop talking about us like that!", when that was never the intent behind the original remark at all.

In my opinion, they'd be better served by looking critically at their own community. If they see themselves in L's description of a pathocracy, or in other descriptions of historical and contemporary societal problems, well, that sounds like a problem they might want to do something about. Trying to shut down discussion of these issues on the grounds of supposed antisemitism is liable to do nothing more than associate those issues with Jewish descent in the minds of onlookers, which strikes me as a really terrible idea. In the short run it may successfully inhibit widespread consideration of concepts such as ponerology (which ... nice work, guys, that's really helpful), but in the long run that strategy strikes me as dangerously misguided. I know the last thing I'd want to do is start shouting "Don't talk about psychopaths, anyone! That's anti-white!" Seems like a great way for people to start thinking things like, "Oh, so there's a lot of white psychopaths out there?" If anything, Jewish commentators should be promoting ponerology, since it very neatly makes anti-semitic interpretations of historical and current events unnecessary - we've all got psychopaths in our populations, and it behooves us all to police them.

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"If anything, Jewish commentators should be promoting ponerology, since it very neatly makes anti-semitic interpretations of historical and current events unnecessary - we've all got psychopaths in our populations, and it behooves us all to police them."


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Interesting to see someone from Leeds Becket University talking about this... I went to University in Leeds, and worked there for many years. "Taylor nonetheless suggested that ‘the UK is closer to pathocracy than ever before.’ Throughout the world, he warned, personality disordered individuals were seizing power and stacking cabinets with their own kind."

Indeed, in the UK, we now have yet another Prime Minister who: went to one of the old British schools for rich and posh boys (god knows the horrors of the brutality, levels of abuse and trauma which the old British boys school system must have meted out to a small, short indian boy); went to Oxbridge; is part and parcel of the banking system; has strong ties to the World Economic Forum and Davos Crowd; is an arch-proponent and wants to be the front runner of introducing Central Banking Digital Currencies (programmable governmental vouchers) to replace the pound; is part of a tax-avoiding billionaire family; was a major part of the very government pushing lockdowns, mandates and removal of civil rights; was the very person who was in charge of the treasury which printed all the money that is resulting in hyper-inflation; is a net zero fanatic in the time of energy insecurity. He is obviously into colluding and conspiring behind the scenes, being the architect of two coups in 3 months.

Such a person can not have much sympathy, understanding, or compassion, for the common people or the working class, because our lives are totally alien to his own lived experience, and hence can't possibly fathom our wants or needs, and unlike us, he is totally immune to his own policies. He simply can not represent us.

This isn't about left or right or conservative or labour, it is not even political, it is about preventing sociopaths from gaining positions of high office. I keep saying in my articles that we have to stop voting and electing such clearly traumatized and traumatizing people, who obviously display all the signs of Trauma Survival Styles, in to office in the UK,

Oh, but we didn't did we!

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Solid. The horror! 😀

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As soon as the first paragraph started I could have put down money on Glazov bringing jews into this,that's how lazy and predictable he is.The fact that organised jewry's profile fits the psychopathic one isn't on any one but themselves,however it's usefull to tar baby anyone you don't like.

All in all this dude's review of the book is a hit piece and nothing else.Not worthy of real acknowledgement imo.

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I do find this to be a really good explanation of why so many countries my own included with our prime minister Justin Trudeau Liberal party leader of Canada there seems to now be elitist leaders who don’t even seem to “like” their own citizens much less “care” about us. Our prime minister alienated 6 million unvaxxed Canadians plus many more who found his divisive rhetoric and visible dislike, disgust, and disdain of any Canadian who had a different viewpoint to his own just plain old unacceptable for a prime minister who is supposed to represent ALL Canadians and not just the people who shared his same views. I am full of revulsion and absolutely loathe this man now and I cannot fathom the pathological and immature and disgusting and disrespectful way he has spoken of and acted out against our blue collar working class truckers in particular plus every other freedom loving peaceful Canadian protestor who all travelled to Ottawa in shared protest of all covid mandates and restrictions for ALL Canadians. If anyone fits the category of pathological our prime minister is surely an exact match and he has clearly demonstrated that he is not fit to be a leader of anything!

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How about the classic Russian that hates Poles?

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Could be. Though I wonder if some of the statements in there may have been a bit too close to the bone as well.

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