I feel somewhat compelled to point out "NO RELATION."

Not even a distant branch of the family tree. Different tree, of a different species.

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The KLR productions videos made my morning.

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All great reads, thanks for the suggestions.

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We could spend inordinate amounts of time pouring over books and papers and listening to commentators of psychology, economics, religion, politics, and try to assimilate all that information, keeping up the current trends and insanity, and then put something down in writing for a few subscribers who are on the same page - while heading down a path of knowledge yet ultimate poverty and burnout.


You do KLR Productions - have heaps of fun with surface level social commentary with cute cat and dog voice overs - have millions of subscribers, never burn out, make a stack of passive income and never have to be answering an ideologically complex question from a non-paying subscriber at 11pm at night.

Who's the smarter one?

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