Feb 3, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli

Tonic intersectionality. Christians, following the late, great Donald Keefe, SJ, might use the phrase: free unity.

Not to mention the Commandment: Thou shalt not covet.

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"All the best words get stolen from us."... I believe it's because words contain the magic of creation... that's why it's called "spelling".

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"The best and brightest are denied what should be their natural positions in society, which are instead occupied by the absolute worst." That pretty well describes gov/bank/corp at this point.

Diversity might be the fundamental law of ecology, nature always strives toward ever greater diversity. The homogeneity of modern consumerism and it's blase' attitude toward species extermination is pathological, but not surprising. The Marxcissists demanding we all accept oppressor or victim status is just more of the same madness, and doomed. The trans thing is like the hatred of nature gone to it's most extreme. The entire woke/globalist/trans/covid phenomenon is like a death cult, insofar as it all seems to be in denial of declining fertility and excess mortality, as if depopulation is fundamental to the ideology.

Be tonic. Celebrate diversity in all things. Thanks for helping to show the way.

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"All the best words get stolen from us."

Truer words were never spoken. "Liberal" used to refer to the political right (in both senses of the word "right"). I'm in the process of writing a long article about this chronic leftist "word-flipping".

"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words."

Philip K. Dick, I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon (1987)

"Few traits of totalitarian regimes are at the same time so confusing to the superficial observer and yet so characteristic of the whole intellectual climate as the complete perversion of language, the change of meaning of the words..."

F. A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom (1944)

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli

I'm so honored I don't quite know what to say. You make the parallels between beautiful music and social harmony so obvious it feels like something everyone must already understand. I also love the introduction of negative convergence and positive divergence. I don't see you say it explicitly, but I think this is a great way of conceiving of the difference between a toxic and tonic diversity.

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Each variable trait, each individual intersection of traits (i.e. each person), has a telos, a purpose to fill in the mosaic of social relationships we call society.

Shades of Hopkins and Duns Scotius here —


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This is a really thoughtful piece - and excellent use of a foundational value in Roman law (also thanks for sending a bunch of new subscribers my way).

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So well said, thanks Harrison.

What would the world be without true diversity, inequality, and the freedom to discriminate? I guess we are finding out!

Understanding the stolen language is so important, as Orwell was so prophetically wrote.

I have an older Oxford Dictionary of English (a rather large single volume) in which I have good intentions of using rather than online references that so easily morph in the cultural mêlée of ideological idiocy we seem to be in.

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This seems to relate to self-organization, allowing each to find his place in society according to his talents and abilities, with the idea that the resulting social order will tend to be the best one possible. Of course, that doesn't seem great if you're destined on this basis to be lower in the hierarchy than you'd prefer - hence the necessity (for them) of affirmative action, nepotism, etc.

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deletedFeb 3, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli
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