Great post as always Harrison.

You've reminded me again of Orwell's writings about language and the dramatic conscious and subconscious shifts that can take place in one's perspective of self and the world simply by manipulating language - both for the categorizing left hemisphere and the metaphorically savvy right. How we've seen this at play over the past 50 years or so!

I hope, with the latest cultural revolution, the Great Reset, that it will continue to be implemented in a premature fashion - while our collective memory is still grounded in the cultural symbology of a more sane epoch - and thus be rejected. Or at least significantly resisted. I think there are healthy signs that this is the case.

If the technocracy were to extend their timeline enough so that the current memory and internal representation of the world is sufficiently extinguished before attempting another 'year zero', then they may have a frictionless transition. But happily, Klaus et al want it all to happen in their lifetime, indeed they've scripted the 'emergency' narrative that demands it happens now. Which, happily, will be too soon, with too much of the old world in us for them to take us easily, if at all.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli

Insightful stuff!

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli

A textbook off-topic remark: don't you see a yawning gap? Here goes --> https://psychopathsinlife.com/resources/ 😟

How come PP doesn't feature on Essential Reading on Psychopaths and Sociopaths list 🤦 Something sure must be done about it! 😊

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli

Just a couple instances of my mind’s associative tricks played, superficial yet amusing as they come 😇

💬 Without value, no bit of information is more important than any other bit. ↓↓

Cue leftistic $cience™ purportedly divorced from value judgements 🤦 The epitome of inherent objectivity (haha, good luck with that).

💬 opens the space for our imaginative freedom + 💬 their thoughts on the dirty dishes we have yet to clean ↓↓

🗨 Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; a sense of humour to console him for what he is. ~~Francis Bacon

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Jan 13, 2023·edited Jan 13, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli

⏸ Tech note of appreciation interrupts my enrapt meditative reading 😊

Cute new (or just newly detected 🤔) feature, this inline display of foot/endnotes! The text gratefully approves of gratifying laminar flow 👌


ETA Further on the subject of [deep] appreciation: a red stiletto over spoon boy! 🔥 Associative limberness 😉 Pics when brilliant have this galling habit to defy reduction into words. Innit why different modalities exist in the first place?

🗨 Do not try and bend the spoon, that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth... There is no spoon... Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli

This is all quite relevant, though I studied Hubbard's version of human psychology, which is a little different but mostly adds in the factor of reincarnation (multiple past lifetimes).

More to the point, though, Hubbard developed a set of processes designed to both prove and further develop his theories. As in the above discussion, the entire thinking process is basically conceptual, and Hubbard never worried about underlying biological processes, except to suggest some vitamins designed to help patients confront their own memories.

Are there any other modern therapies based on the role of memory in thought and action, and the process of association and dissociation in determining which memory gets utilized in any particular situation?

My lack of a paid subscription may limit further involvement in this discussion.

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli

Excellent post!

Although, I don't 'see' Tate as the absolute demon you paint him out to be.

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Awesome deep dive into this subject.

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deletedJan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli
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