The whole earth is contaminated with this evil scum. And the evil scum rules over all of us, their slaves. I have always believed that this place is a part of Hell. A prison matrix run by demons. Now I believe that more than ever. God and Jesus Christ please help us get out of here. I don’t want to live in this horror show anymore. I want to go home.

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This “prison matrix run by demons” has a purpose. The purpose is to influence us to hunger and thirst for righteousness and justice. It’s to encourage us to deeply and consistently and constantly yearn for the kingdom of heaven on earth.

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As an agnostic there are occasions I hope there is a heaven, but even rarer there are times I wish there was such a thing as hell, reading this definitely made me feel it.

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The folks who check all four of the Venn Diagram boxes are doing their best to oblige you by making this planet hell. If I had to choose between Dante's Inferno and the WEF's "Agenda 2030," I think I'll take the Inferno.

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This is one of the best overviews, which also tells some of the prominent stories, that I possibly have seen. I am saving this. Please don't erase your substack. I would not know where to ever read this again.

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I have no plans on erasing it, so no worries!

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Thank you. I spend a lot of time putting together a personal bibliography that I can use, and then I thought that perhaps all of these platforms will be outdated.

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If I find something I really want to keep access to I either print it on paper, or print a PDF to save on my computer. Handy, and searchable!

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I like physical copies, but I am so intellectually voracious that it is impractical but for very select circumstances. When I calculate printing costs, it is too much for me for the degree I'd desire, and, I am somewhat deluded as to how much I can actually read and make use of. And, my printer is broken, which is helping me with my greedy mind. Half joking.

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Excellent work here.

I was familiar with and had dug through Gary Caradori's death and his heroic investigation. I had no idea about the other investigations/cases, you touched on. Unfortunately, I was not shocked in the least.

I came across another stack here, that did a very commendable job, clocking what seems to be the beginnings of another Boytown-esque web, in Oklahoma. Many cross-overs and intersections of child centric Non-profits, where board members are mingled/married and heavily involved in the trans/drag movement in the town. Additionally, there appears to be business and sympathetic ties to the DA and local paper as well.

No matter how much people may want to look away, this will not and hasn't gone away, over time. The inattention and avoidance, has only allowed it to rampantly metastasize and as I am endlessly saying..."it is the children who ALWAYS pay the price".

Again, thanks for the work!

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Do you have any links about the Oklahoma case? Sounds intriguing.

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Harrison, sorry for the delay. It's been a crazy end of the week.

Here is the stack. Seems to be a local, of the area, doing this good work and amazing (to my mind) research/digging.


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No matter how much people may want to look away, BECAUSE they look away, this has not gone away. The elites do not really live in a vacuum apart from what normal people/average sinners so to speak allow. They don't have supernatural powers; they have political power. And so do the People, so does the Public.

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The ignominy of it all.

Well - lets just get it on the table I reckon.

Thanks for this article.


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Please explain “Q anon adjacent” What do you mean by adjacent? Allied? An Honest question not a challenge, believe me. Just trying to understand.....

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It was a joke based on media calling Sound of Freedom "QAnon-adjacent" for its elite pedophilia themes. Pizzagate was arguably closer to QAnon narratives than SoF, especially some of the more speculative (and unsubstantiated) of its facets. But there was a core there that was definitely on point.

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Oh, right! Thanks. I may have read that. I ignore “media” a lot so I missed a reference to their weird comments.

In their world, we can become adjacent, like dumb boxes piled up, to whatever they say.

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This was brutally unpleasant to read, but I appreciate that you wrote it.

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Thank you for this inspiring synthesis of facts and Venn summary. We normies have the duty to resist psychopaths. This essay bolstered my determination to resist an organization dominated by such people. I could take one of several easy means of avoiding confrontation with them, but I have decided to refuse to be a victim and therefore to proceed with legal action. I'll find out whether local corruption will protect their blatant wrongdoing.

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Let us know how it goes. May this group of readers live long enough to see the light of day on these unspeakable crimes.

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I’m reminded of a follow-up book on the same subject “One Nation Under Blackmail - Vol. 1: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein, VOL.1” by Whitney Alyse Webb. https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/one-nation-under-blackmail-the-sordid-union-between-intelligence-and-crime-that-gave-rise-to-jeffrey-epstein_whitney-alyse-webb/26132423/#edition=28871337&idiq=47151108

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Have it. Haven't read it yet, though!

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This article is incomplete without mention of the ORIGINAL book on the subject, "The Franklin Cover-up" by former Nebraska Senator John DeCamp.



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The book by Nick Bryant is excellent.

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Very persuasive. My own life as a low profile plebe has afforded me some insulating distance from the corridors of power, so I’ve had to come by my skepticism of its brokers slowly and incrementally. This adds to the undeniable presence of a big dung heap atop the old midden of deception out behind the shack. I’d be interested in your take on the death of Marylin Monroe and also the untimely end of the guy who reported on CIA involvement in the coke trade for the San Jose Mercury News. As a Cali native those two cases stick out for me in a similar way. That Merton quote re JFK is enigmatic; can you explicate a bit further or are you going to force me to read the whole book? Asking for a friend.

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Haven't delved too deeply into Monroe, just enough to suspect there's more to her story. As for Merton, I haven't read the full book either, so we're in the same boat. ;)

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Thanks for linking to the producer of this video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/vCR1fS2ghN4C/

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we live in a world run by managerialist state Minions of the psychopathic pedovore™ Satanist Bankster® Illuminati© NWO blackmail© Cabal ® machine, or possibly demons, or lizard star travelers. Normal it is not.

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All of the above! :D

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Big fan of the blog, forgive me if I'm being pedantic, but I think this needs to be said:

Elite pedophilia is a conspiracy theory. It's a sound, compelling conspiracy theory. We have to stop allowing words and phrases to become the opposite of their actual meaning. You mentioned this yourself, on your podcast, with regard to "machiavellianism." This is also a core argument of Lobaczewski's book.

Even worse, we increasingly see the word "theory" dropped and the word "conspiracy" used to mean "libelous rumor," as in, "He's spreading conspiracies." That's not what that word means. We need to stop ourselves from adopting Orwelian language.

While "fake news" has an obvious judgement built into it, "conspiracy theory" is a perfectly neutral, descriptive phrase that only carries a paralogical connotation because of the context in which it is reinforced. Just be pro- conspiracy theory, if the theory has merit.

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I reacted before I even got to the end of the article! The final paragraph kind of blunts my argument so you can take it or leave it.

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> Her lawyer, Henry Rosenthal, was blocked at every step by the judge Raymond “Joe” Case, plucked out of retirement specially for the case (as was the previous judge, Samuel Van Pelt), and Douglas County Deputy Attorney Gerald Moran. At times, they even tag-teamed Rosenthal, Case sustaining practically all of Moran’s objections and overruling most of Rosenthal’s. Rosenthal was unable to introduce evidence, ask pertinent questions to witnesses, and was generally stymied the entire trial, while Moran was free to do everything Rosenthal wasn’t and more. In fact, the trial bordered on the criminal, which devastated Rosenthal. Until that point, he had been a firm believer in the law, but this trial descended into the depths of Kafka-esque absurdity.

Reading this in 2025, that whole description is eerily familiar. We just witnessed a trial like that a few months ago in New York...

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The Mouthy Buddha documentaries are incredible. Also check out Mrtruthbomb, he is still on Rumble and I think Odysee, he has an extensive collection of docs that builds on the one by Mothy Bud dha plus many other topics, better produced than an HBO documentary.

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I've watched many of Mouthy Buddha's videos. Very good stuff. I'll have to check out mrtruthbomb too. Thanks!

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Please watch the Elite Human Trafickking one, he talks about the Art in Embassies program being used to smuggle children with impunity, I would love to hear your opinions on it.

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