Can any single one of you imagine existing in a culture where if you happened to abduct a 12 year old girl, you could call all of your friends and male relatives and they would all gladly come over to join in the "fun"? I can't. My male relatives and friends would report me to the police, at minimum. More likely, they'd kill me themselves. Even if I wanted to do such a thing, i'd have to keep it completelt secret from everyone in my entire community.

This is not a dark triad thing. This is not an individual criminal problem. This is an entire culture of demon-worshipping pedophiles, following in the path of their demon-worshipping prophet. A new crusade can't come soon enough.

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Well, Gisèle Pelicot's husband existed in that culture, and so did the dozens of men who answered his ad to come over and rape his wife, over a period of nine years, no less. That was in France, as you know.

So I don't think we can make sweeping generalizations about which cultures get off on abusing girls and women. Seems to be pretty universal.

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I'd say it's universal in the sense that every culture has pedophiles. I'd also say that some cultures are worse than others, and I'd include the French in the worse category.

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Id like to hear some examples of the better ones?

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I'd have to see solid evidence to prove that the French are "in the worse category."

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I'm basing that strictly on personal observation and anecdotes, though France rates 4th, I think, in child porn hosted in the EU. That doesn't necessarily mean they're the 4th-highest consumer, however.

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Not sure there’s a cultural competition here. The point of this article was to point to the complicity of a scarily large number of people. Evil will spread where we allow it to spread, like bad weeds in the garden.

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Martin, exactly.

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The French have always been VERY misogynistic. Obnoxiously so…….

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Lots of people are very misogynistic. I'm not sure the French are any worse than anyone else. Others have just learned to hide it better.

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No I can't, yet it's been going on in the UK for years, way before immigration from the Asian sub continent started in the UK. A member of the Royal family is a nonce ffs. This isn't something to do with brown people thinking differently, it's to do with predators and a society that protects them, unlike its vulnerable members, which are ignored. The system protects pedos, that's the problem. Don't get distracted by racism, it's just the "get out of jail" card they played, no different to " I don't sweat" or " had a great future ahead" or whatever other bollocks they come out with to justify letting them get away with it. It makes bugger all difference what colour the person abusing you is and I say that from experience.

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Jeff Epstein was as white as the driven snow. Bill Clinton flew with him on a regular basis (and despite his claims of innocence, he had the entire state security apparatus protecting him, But he didn't know. Come on.) And yet, they both got out of jail free, and all Randy Andy got was a reduction of his work load.

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White and Jew are not the same. Get it right.

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The whole royal family in England seems pretty f’d up. It appeared that Diana got chewed up and spit out. I personally think from what I’ve read that Charles is extremely evil. In your comment you said one of the royal family was nonce-what does that mean? Thanks.

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Unfortunately many western people do not want to understand that in most of the world these kinds of savage practices and attitudes towards women and children of both sexes is completely normal. Moving a person to the West doesn’t change their thinking. These men really don’t see anything wrong with it. They don’t even understand it to be rape, the child gets some food and drink and then they get to use her for their relaxation. In countries where children and adults are left on the streets to starve and die, and no one would even think to offer help exchanging food and drink for sex is probably seen as generous.

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Bolsheviks entire agenda has always been to punish, demoralize, kill, rape, etc, Christians for being better than them.

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How much of the rest of the world have you actually visited to learn this "truth"?

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Don’t bother trying to defend Pakistani people or the culture. Pakistan represents the worst of the Indian subcontinent. The horrific treatment of women in India pales in comparison to how women and children of both sexes are horribly abused in Pakistan under Islam. There’s nothing that can even be salvaged. As globalism collapses countries will realize that 99% of you will have to be deported from the West.

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[In my best Norm MacDonald voice] "You know the these child rapists are a real problem on account of all the homophobia and Islamophobia they're causing!" Reading this, I get why Sodom and Gomorrah got flame broiled. Probably the best cure for this kind of psychopathy.

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Love Norm. Related: He was in a car with Jerry Seinfeld once and the topic of Bill Cosby came up:

Norm MacDonald : Now do you think Cosby's legacy will be hurt?

Jerry Seinfeld : Yeah.

Norm MacDonald : You do, huh? I mean, there's a comedian, Patton Oswalt, he told me, "I think the worst part of the Cosby thing was the hypocrisy." And I disagreed.

Jerry Seinfeld : You disagreed with that?

Norm MacDonald : Yeah, I thought [the worst part] was the raping.

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Love Norm.

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Thank you! This is a much needed article I will share. Regarding complicity, John Carter quoted Vagrant of Rhodes: "These hostile ruling classes use 'migrants' as a mercenary force to inflict anarcho-tyranny onto the citizenry and spark fear and anxiety to keep them in check. 'Migrants are essentially an imported army for the ruling elites, using thuggery to enforce their control." John Carter commented: "This is why the British Regime is so disinterested in Rotherham, Southport, etc. The entire purpose of the welfare mercenaries is to rape and butcher the natives."

source: https://xcancel.com/martianwyrdlord/status/1877379884076388393#m

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these are the precise tools used in the myth called ‘how the west was won.’ when i hear ‘women and children first’ i hear : sacrifice them first. they can be used as emotional bait.

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🤔 not sure I comprend what you mean.

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I had a friend, years ago—my best friend, in fact—whose roommate was Pakistani. The society he described back home sounded dystopian. I remember one time, he got a call that his mother was in a car accident, outside Islamabad, on a busy highway. She was trapped in her car and motorists passed her for over an hour, no one bothering to stop and help, or apparently even call for help. Her family members had to bribe a police officer to show up at all, and then bribe him again to call an ambulance, and then they had to bribe the ambulance driver to taker her to the emergency room... I think they even had to bribe the hospital. Anyway, she died a slow and unnecessary death and my friend's roommate was devastated.

The roommate seemed like a decent guy, but his descriptions of Pakistan reminded me of how we perceive North Korea, or the early USSR: a spiritually hollowed-out place where everyone's in it for himself, everyone's on the take, and ideology (in this case, religious fundamentalism) is both all-pervasive and substantively empty, such that everyone's moral instincts are blunted or non-existent.

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“The ideology (in this case, religious fundamentalism) is both all-pervasive and substantively empty, such that everyone's moral instincts are blunted or non-existent.”

This is such a good and accurate description. The same is true in China.


In this case it’s a combination of an authoritarian state and Confucian values that hollow out the human moral instinct.

It tells me everything I need to know about Chinese culture under the current regime.

At least in the US we know that (despite its imperfections) we have the presumption of innocence and most locales have so-called Good Samaritan laws that protect those who try to help.

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My husband traveled to Pakistan when he worked for Levi. He says it was an awful place. Sewage dumped out into the streets right next to a five star hotel. Wild eye nomads coming into the city from the desert. Pooping into the streets. Sex with warm papaya’s. Seventy percent of the population is inbreeding. Very low IQ, yet everyone is an engineer. Low respect for women. Women are lower than dogs.

These leaders know all this!

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Very well put, Martin. I have heard both Haiti and Bulgaria similarly described: dark.

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Interestingly, I lived with both a Haitian woman and a Bulgarian man, at the same time! The woman is actually a family friend, so I feel bad saying this so let's just keep this between you and me, the Internet. Anyway, here goes:

I went to my Haitian friend's wedding, a couple years ago. I was flattered to have been invited and I'm happy for her, but my wife and I were virtually the only people there who weren't Haitian. When it came time to eat, the guests at the front piled up their plates with food, some even taking the caterers' ladle to help themselves to more than they were offered. By the end of the line, a bunch of food ran out and the woman in front of me started complaining to a caterer that all the greedy people took the fish backs and all that's left are fish heads. She then took the fish head, anyway, and then demanded two more fish heads.

The caterers eventually made and brought out enough food for everyone, but the people at the back of the line were finally sitting down to eat when the people from the front had already gone to the dancefloor, with piles of half-eaten food still on their plates.

Also, EVERYONE was late: the bride and groom were 45 minutes late to their own wedding! The pastor was a half hour late. The parents were late. All their friends were late. My wife and got there in a frenzy, 10 minutes before it was supposed to start, and we were the only ones there. The wedding didn't start for another hour!

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That is not how civilised people act. That's not even how people attempting to be civilised act. I'd call it subhuman but the sad fact is that it's very human.

The bottom line is, humanity is adaptable. People tend to act well in good circumstances and poorly in bad. But the scarcity psychology - greed, that the modern worlds has produced overrides reason in both the rich and the poor.


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these countries have been marauded and traumatized for centuries. i get it..

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All the ex Communist places in Europe still have some problems with corruption and the like but are you kidding me? Places like Bulgaria are nothing at all like Haiti and Pakistan lol

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The intellectuals and Anglophiles within Pakistan all fled long ago and those still there find ways to send their kids to university abroad. Some have been part of the professional classes in places like the UK for several generations.

These elites are so removed from what the rest of the country is like, especially the tribal areas which these hideous groomers and rapists come from.

Why did the inbred rural clans end up in the UK when we could have just kept the doctors and similarly educated ilk?

Part of it stems from a dumb decision in the 60s where the UK agreed to resettle families from a specific region of Kashmir in exchange for the Pakistani government letting a British company build a dam. Read the "displacement and resettlement" section of this article https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mangla_Dam

Now the problem is that once you do this, immigration law keeps allowing additional family to keep moving over. It triggers chain migration that the authorities seem unable to do anything about. These communities have spent decades bringing over spouses from the ancestral village, then bringing over the spouse's ageing parents, and so on. They open businesses like restaurants, accountancy firms, or taxi companies and falsify the necessary paperwork to bring over cousins and second-cousins as "sponsored" workers.

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color change. it’s happening in america😕

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How it is ^^^ in low-trust societies.

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I wrote a couple of years ago this:

The woke and LBTG+Q++ are the Hitler Youth of today...


Not because Gay people are Nazis but because of the indoctrination methods used in both are exactly the same.

And as the people in power use indoctrination to cover up their future crimes it is imperative for us to understand this form of Mind Control.

Therefore taking back the education is central to us creating our own future and destiny.

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Stopping the insanity in education is key. I just started reading Diary of a Man in Despair, written by a man living in 1930s Germany. Both this diary and They Thought They Were Free mention that many schoolteachers supported Hitler. In TTTWF, a high school teacher mentions that elementary school teachers were “susceptible” to Naziism. It seems like something similar is happening today with some schoolteachers and librarians. For instance, I saw a story that mentioned how a librarian in Massachusetts put the extremely sexually graphic book Gender Queer in the picture-book section of the library -- for the youngest kids. You don't do that unless your brain has been hijacked.

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are yall seriously equating trans people to nazi germany????????

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Well……if it walks & talks like a duck….

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No, librarians.

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If you are not in the mood to go searching for it, there are excerpts of They Thought They Were Free online.

Making it easy:


And, by the by, read with an eye toward all such social machinations that tend to sneak up upon those engaged in lawful occupations. The stealth of mission creep is not to be underestimated.

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and blm. yes. the brown shirt internal army.

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'Whenever you see an institution ignoring big problems to focus on trivial ones, this is an indication that incompetence is rife within it, with the “over-promotion” of morons who lack the aptitude to deal with bigger problems.' True statement.

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It's also an indication of a policy/agenda that neither you nor I are privy to.

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You don't have to understand the details to understand the basics.

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Heads of institutions are often psychopaths who use 'inferior' people as tools to fulfil their depraved and sadistic urges. These systems are designed to promote and perpetuate injustice. No wonder there is a huge moral injury epidemic among workers - sell your soul, turn a blind eye or leave.

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Agree, and I think there's an aspect to the structure of evil that Lobaczewski doesn't cover, which is the recruitment of moral imbeciles. You can find them among the lowest strata of society, and they're not even "personality disordered", per se; they're just really stupid. Too stupid to understand right from wrong. This deserves more exploration.

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At this point, I'd be willing to hazard a guess that the Pakistani rapists were intentionally brought into the country to do exactly what the did, rather than accidentally slipping past an ineffective screening process.

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🎯 "The entire purpose of the welfare mercenaries is to rape and butcher the natives" https://xcancel.com/martianwyrdlord/status/1877379884076388393#m

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No, the system malfunctions because of perverse incentives and not because someone is masterminding evil.

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Which system and which perverse incentives?

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Bill Maloney (Pie 'n' Mash Films) has been making films attempting to uncover this sort of behavior for over 13 years. His targets, however, were not Pakistani. But I can't believe that these more recent crimes would have been so extensive if there weren't officials or authorities in the UK with similar crimes.

What I believe we are seeing in the Arab world (loosely defined) is what Hubbard would call a social tone level created through training. There is no way that so many men would naturally be OK with the types of violations that you have described. But they have been educated into being OK with it. Of course, leading this "campaign" against women, girls, and also young boys, must be dark personalities.

Thus we see the power of mental influence in all these situations. Criminal organizations have always operated on this basis, as they had to suborn "normal" people into their system to avoid being exposed on a continuous basis. When a governments helps with this (political ponerology), the social environment becomes so dangerous to those who wish to expose the truth that the truth may be successfully suppressed for a long long time.

I can only think that something on this planet is shifting to allow this information to finally rise to the surface. I know that Trump's victory in the U.S. was a great relief to many people on this issue alone: the promise to clean all this up. Whether any Earth-bound group or administration can actually accomplish this remains to be seen.

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it’s really up to communities to formulate their own checks and balances to bring this kind of thing to heel.

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If you’re a leader who is setting policy to deprive people of their freedom because of their opinions, you are an evil person.

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Well I, for one, am happy we threw off the yoke of British rule 249 years ago, otherwise, we might be in the same helpless state as their citizens.

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We're about 10 years behind Britain.

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apparently you’ve not visited the middle of america in the past thirty year ..

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I live in Wyoming LOLOL. Can't get much more middle than that......

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counterpoint: Kansas

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That the police and judiciary are in on it is the best explanation for the general insanity going on in the UK.

Trans culture (grooming culture) is heavily pushed by the NHS, the police and the judges.

Wasn’t a rape/pedophile ring run by UK police exposed and then ‘debunked’, right when the trans train started building up steam?

Why would such an obvious creep as Saville have been allowed to prey on young girls, not only by Church officials and police, but also by the BBC?

Didn’t the Crown Prosecution Service recently revise rape investigation guidelines to make prosecuting rape more difficult?

‘A [CPS] spokesperson said: “Sexual offences are some of the most complex cases we prosecute…”’


Anyone who thinks BBC is on the side of anyone other than war profiteers and pedo rapists is just delusional.

How many times have they praised and promoted the Ukraine war, while suppressing stories about any pedo/grooming gang, Asian or white?

Rape of women and children is an age old crime that we know is still astonishingly common in modern ‘civilization’, yet it once again takes a back burner to the investigation of thought and speech crimes by women against male predators wearing dresses??


From the article:

‘When people 'deadname,' they disrespect a transgender person's new identity, risk outing them to others without their consent, and frequently subject that person to painful harassment and discrimination.’

Deadnaming is a straightforward crime, according to the police, CPS and the author of the above article, yet rape is ‘complex’?

How quickly would actual rape incidences decline if the CPS and police actually just arrested and indicted alleged rapists?

Will we ever actually find out?

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Great piece, very hard to stomach. It’s very accurate what you said about those who virtue signal. Don’t trust them. IMO this doesn’t just mean political virtue signaling. You see it all the time on FB. Always makes me cringe.

Didn’t know that about Fuentes and the his posse. Always had a feeling of cringe from those guys too. Admittedly I don’t know what the hell Groyper even means. To be fair I would need to look into that before making a judgement. There’s no doubt some of the people the Groyper group goes after is known for its ability to stage media and political hits lol. Unfortunately it would not surprise me to learn the two groups work together in some fashion. Sorry but that’s the state of affairs in Clown World today.

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Anyone, gay or straight, who rapes a child is a psychopath, a dark personality. I don't dispute that. And I'm not surprised these two hid what they really are under a veneer of "nice, normal family men," as my maternal grandfather, who raped me when I was a child, held himself out to be a nice, normal family man...he tithed to the catholic church, & seemed a sweet old man as he took my sisters & I to the fruit stand, the supermarket, the park.

What I want the world to understand is that hese two didn't rape their children because they're gay, but rather because they're psychopatns, they have a darkness inside them that makes them hurt people.

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It's awful how, despite the horrible things the Rotherham abusers did and how the authorities did nothing to end it, the news outlets reporting on it still tried to do it in a politically correct way.

"Asian men". While technically correct, I think most people who read this think of some guys from China, Japan or Korea.

There are many cultures in Asia, and it's important to always highlight that the abusers were Pakistani.

I understand that the public might not be familiar with the Pakistani culture, but as far as I understand, it's a mix of traditional Indian and Islamic cultures - both of which lack the individualism (defined as conferring inherent value and dignity to each individual human being) of the traditional Western christian culture and the gender equality and women's rights of the modern Western culture.

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Any Brits can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this might be something that seems misleading to non-Brits, but which they understand implicitly. To me, Asian means East Asian, but Brits might automatically think of Indians and Pakistanis.

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Yeah. American who lived in London 2 years. By Asian the British mean Indian , Pakistani, and possibly Bangladeshi . They were still using the term “oriental” to describe what Americans refer to as “Asian “

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no punishment is too great for these monsters. I worry that these poor boys will be scarred for life.

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