"When you adopt the means of a psychopathic enemy, you put yourself within the “gravity well” of a ponerogenic telon or attractor. You change the goal to which your actions are directed. A complex phenomenon (pathocracy) is implicit within a set of simple, practically mindless rules. Follow the simple rules, and the complex phenomenon will emerge, whether you want it to or not."

It shares the same markings as a ritual, in that sense. For example, if your ritual involves human sacrifice, it doesn't matter what your goal is. You might rationalize it with the noblest end imaginable, but the means have already changed that end.

You might say this makes pursuing a "noble" goal using ponerogenic means far more dangerous than a mundane crime; those who only see parts of the ritual can also be swept so deep into the "gravity well" that they can't escape it, even when the worst parts are exposed. Call it the "sunk costs" of pathocracy.

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Very well put. And congrats on joining the orange-check-good club!

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shares the same markings as a ritual, in that sense. For example, if your ritual involves human sacrifice, it doesn't matter what your goal is. You might rationalize it with the noblest end imaginable, but the means have already changed that end. <--that's why i'm anti-war

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In some sense, coming into contact with a psychopath is similar mentally and emotionally to being physically enslaved (which would normally be done by a sociopath). The problem this creates for the victim seems very similar in either case: Do I cooperate and live or resist and risk death? It is not an easy choice to make, although in the case of mental/emotional entrapment you'd think the decision to stand up for oneself would be more viable.

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The idea is to make resisting not worth the effort.

Once enough of the new system is functioning, it will be hard to operate outside of it. At least with the same level of creature comforts people in the US now have.

Cold showers and porridge, or keep things "mostly" like they are?

That's what will make this such an uphill battle. People don't want to give up what they've worked for -- even if it will cost them freedom(s). People these days are too short sighted.

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Consent is crucial to the process.

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These points are all well taken.

Joe Farrell is well known in the "alternative history" community and has been for roughly 20 years. Yes, his depth of analysis is not good. He uses mostly normal historical documents and just connects the dots differently. But the reality of psychopathy has entered the public consciousness - at least at the intellectual level - and thus is discussed now by honest people trying to understand things better, as well as the psychopaths themselves, for propaganda purposes.

From the perspective of someone who trusts certain information that has been obtained by psychic means (remote viewing for the most part), I can add these observations:

1) Around the time of the Roswell incident, or generally, after the atom bomb was first "successfully" used, American officials were approached by ET functionaries, and this presented them with a serious problem. The ETs, who operated ships that had been widely spotted by civilians, obviously had technologies that would allow them to come out on top in any violent contest. Thus, their existence had to be kept secret but arrangements also had to be made with them to cooperate to some extent.

In terms I was trained in, we were met by a superior suppressive (ponerological) source and felt forced to come under its influence (become enslaved). It is the classic problem of any slave: Do I cooperate or resist and die? The intelligence agencies were definitely involved in this, and some think that the CIA was formed primarily to deal with this new problem. At first, the Presidents (mostly Eisenhower) were intimately involved. But JFK changed that. It is not clear that they still are.

2) 9/11 has been confirmed to be an inside job. All the gory details did not come through, but we can assume that the work of many investigators and a few whistleblowers fill out the basic story. The motive for this event remains elusive.

3) More recent events, such as the 7 October attack, are extremely problematic. There is evidence that some Israelis knew about it and decided to let it happen. If that is true, it appears that they have been hoisted by their own petard (an obscure phrase used several times by my teacher that does not mean what many think it means).

As has been obvious from my earlier comments, I think the missing element in all this is a recognition of the reality of Spirit. Spirit not only gives us an entirely new look at human experience, it also opens the door to a wealth of information that persists, really, only in individual and collective memory. That a sort of collective memory seems to exist is itself a revelation. My teacher didn't even try to go there. For a successful spiritual therapy, individual "whole track" recall is all that is needed. Remote viewing, however, seems to operate on some body of data that is more collective in nature. I hope some intellectuals in this field will eventually take this whole subject more seriously. It's not like we necessarily have a lot of time left.

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Thank you very much for that. I wonder if you would be so kind as to answer a question.

Do you think it is right (possible, useful) to draw a distinction between the entities known as "Angelic/Demonic" from the ancient culture and those called "Extra-Terrestrial/ Alien" from the modern culture?

I remember a few years ago when I was hunting through an antiques shop in Hong Kong and came across an interesting stone carving, a humanoid figure, squat, bulging slanted eyes with protruding lobes on its skull. I tried as best as I could in my feeble Chinese to ask what this figure represented. As far as I could tell the shop owner told me they were people of great power who came from heaven. "So, like UFOs you mean?". He understood me quite well and replied with a chuckle and a "Yeah sure why not? I guess so" sort of a shrug. He wasn't willing to split the difference. between Heaven and UFOs.

It is so very difficult to know what level of reality we are operating on, for both our actions and our speech. I too have been struck by the close proximity in time and space of the nuclear weapons testing and what-ever the heck the Roswell incident was. Was that driven by cores of Uranium and Plutonium or by occult cores of Uranus and Pluto? Different things with similar names or different points on the same curve?

"Get thee back into the tempest and the Night’s Plutonian shore!'

That was Edgar Allen Poe in 1845, kind of a while before Edward Teller and Julius Oppenheimer.

Anyway, any comments will be appreciated, and peace be with you.

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I assure you that I do not ruminate heavily on these matters. I am living with people who have very human problems, and I spend a lot of time just trying to keep my immediate environment under control.

But I do indulge in following the work of Courtney Brown. As I probably mentioned, I have studied Hubbard (and continue to), but his work here is done, while Brown is still producing new material. Courtney has done projects on Roswell, the Fatima Apparitions, Muhammad, Moses, Sodom and Gomorrah and similar events. His viewers found ETs involved in these events, often posing as "angels" or something similar.

But I don't know that we are ready to simply combine or conflate the ancient "religious" experiences with modern "abduction" or "encounter" experiences. The first step is to consider that reincarnation, or the persistence of Spirit, might be quite real, and then to start working out the ramifications from there. A research tool that could be considered scientifically valid is a huge challenge to overcome. No one yet has broken through, though Brown got the closest.

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This is some of the most insightful writing I have come across outlining our current situation. Archived for several additional readings.

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The origin remains the same enemy of the United States as always...The historical Govt. of the pathological world before The Declaration of Independence; The Club of Rome. Most certainly now The City of London, Crown Corporation's 'Committee of 300'.


Remove the Resource/Money Monsters maintaining all and the whole structure implodes upon itself with the Minion Rats and Snakes of their International Mafia Network scurrying to escape and for the most part, clearly exposing themselves.

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Secret societies are also a problem. Lobaczewski mentions them here and there, especially in Logocracy. But they're just one problem. Pathocracy is like rule by secret society multiplied exponentially.

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Really enjoy your presentations and cognitive skills. More people really need to atune themselves to your work.

At the time Lobaczewski wrote this giant; secret societies were an enormous issue.

They're less of an issue at this time since so many are now identified and many of

those associated with them are exposed through any number of mechanisms including


Those once so secret aren't so secret any longer.

As in all Pathocracies; it isn't necessarily about 'Rule by Society'; it's 'RULE BY THE LOUDEST';

based in the old adage, "The squeekiest wheel gets the oil." Evil is always at work raising subversion even when there is no reason for social upheaval as when Trump won in 2016.

GOOD PEOPLE are generally focused in life upon God, the family, and maintaining 'Law and Order' while creating/building healthy relationships, raising great kids and paying bills. At this time as for all times; most people do fall into that category.

Though attacked in a Soft War, they have NOT YET SUFFERED ENOUGH to identify the threat to the intensity it is or to comprehend the time to be one necessary to STAND and FIGHT BACK. At the time of WWII, Germany was at the peak of it's power and standard of living was high especially in comparison to the period following WWI. It's no secret about the fact of the economy being the result of building that based in WAR. The people did not know what was really happening until it was too late...And, then it was dangerous to stand and fight back. THAT LEVEL OF Social Awareness is exactly where the U.S. now is and it's not been made simpler by the overall cognitive dissonance resulting with psychological FREEZE in the midst of Social Anomie.

There is truth in the quote, "All necessary for evil to succeed is for GOOD PEOPLE TO DO NOTHING."

It's not difficult to know the majority of U.S. citizens to be good people; or sinners seeking goodness and wishing goodness for all. It's also not difficult to know the majority has been spoiled by too much safety and well fed for too long. The biological facts concerning this can be seen in Yellowstone National Park with the reintroduction of the wolf into the environment. It required a full two years or at least one reproductive season before the Elk began to identify the wolf as predator to respond appropriately to.

Evil is always present in this world building its networks to steal all God's creation...The cycle goes on and people as you are doing great work in contributing to growth in Social Awareness. In the end, less than 30% of Society will be necessary to stand...And, can only pray you and others are reaching enough people to increase the probability for this to happen.

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This requires a re-read. A tab left open so to speak. I'm grateful you lay these concepts and insights out. Reading Milton Mayer's book 'They thought they were free - the germans 1933-1945' has enabled me to see the 'diabolical pact' between the layers of society and the mental and emotional traps in submission AND resistance.

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Excellent post!

This goes far to explain and show that the phenomenon and practice is not relegated to governments - but groups with agendas. My premise is that these groups at some point are infiltrated by radical progressives, but per your explanation, that could easily be via an organic adoption - no outside actor needed.

Pathocracy explains well what we've seen used well in the micro, where gathering ideologically opposed groups under one umbrella, to then fight hand in hand against an identified foe - at all costs.

Lobaczewski observation explains it well:

"Whenever they reach for overly radical methods of action, still convinced that they are serving their

idea, they are not aware that their goal has already changed."

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Radical progressives (or any kind of ideologues) are just the tools used by political psychopaths. So if they're necessary, they'll use them. But if not, they won't bother. I think ideologues have been useful in infiltrating from below (teaching positions, HR departments, DEI filtering, etc.). Those already in power can just play along, but they know the score.

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Very true!

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In essence, the Spies poisoned their own (psychic, actual) well, so as to catch the poisoners. Thus everyone drank the same Coolaid. So we're all "on the magic bus", together 🤷 [🤔 is that a cliff...?]

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<-- can speak to this.

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i am stucked with amazement at your brilliant synthesis - seen in your article "when-protecting-national-security":

"...when your institution adopts the psychological methods of psychopathy, you open it to institutional capture by actual psychopaths",

and what I find brilliant is especially the developments in the present article, where you explain how worldview became a prime target:

"...and its ideological understanding that psychological warfare was a “World View Warfare”"

To me, this is all very enlightening, because I am "mecanism-oriented" and need to understand each piece of the puzzle in order to truly learn.


To you, it seems clearly that this is not even the nitty-gritty to focus on:

"Worldview warfare is (...) more of a symptom than anything"

I understand that Lobaczewski's nitty-gritty is the "pathocracy" phenomenon, and that it's good to leave the "symptoms" on the side.

I suppose that I would like to encourage you to develop a bit about the necessity of focusing as such, the how's and why's, because we feel that it's what matters but it's as if there is not much of an explanation.

You are ringing the alarm but we don't have much to bind... We are at the stage of "the secret services adopted pathological nazi techniques on the masses", so what could be worse? We are having hard time picturing why we should focus "above". This may be because the "worldview tampering" is soo evil that we are full and disgusted, and so we really cannot think "more"; we would gain, I suppose, in having additional guidance in those waters you sailed.

What I mean overall is: "what makes you focus that much on pathocracy"?

It's not that obvious to me - but of course I understand how capital it is, etc, etc

Thank you!

You are a boss! Except you, nobody carries the flame! This honour had to be given!

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(trying again, after a substack login glitch)

To the anti-war dude,

Maybe you missed the anthropological data? Murder and war is old as dirt, probably long preceding our immediate human species, going back to earlier primitive humans.

War was an ancient, evolved survival adaptation that intensified social bonding, in-group altruism and shared learning within a given kinship group, improving survival as Darwin pointed out a long time ago.


Peter Richerson, PhD ecology, UC Davis, quotes Darwin (as an example of group selection hypothesis and the neurobiology of sympathy in "primeval times"):

"It must not be forgotten that although a high standard of morality gives but a slight or no advantage to each individual man and his children over other men of the same tribe, yet that an increase in the number of well-endowed men and an advancement in the standard of morality will certainly give an immense advantage to one tribe over another. A tribe including many members who, from possessing in a high degree the spirit of patriotism, fidelity, obedience, courage, and sympathy, were always ready to aid one another, and to sacrifice themselves for the common good, would be victorious over most other tribes, and this would be natural selection (178-179)."

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I also picked up my copy of Ponerology this week, Ive neglected reading actual books for far too long. Ponerology was the required choice to break a streak of internet compulsion / addiction.

Bless! And hope you been well 🩵

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Good choice. ;)

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Brilliant. Love the Cordyceps image.

I finished reading this paper published 1959 by Fred Emery in the Tavistock Institute's own journal "Human Relations"

Fred Emery was a genius..


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Interesting article, my only thought at the end of this is, How do I/we fight this, or is it even worth fighting? Should one just avoid it entirely?

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Don't know. But the first step is knowledge, and spreading it. Who knows what will be possible when this kind of understanding passes a certain threshold.

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Thanks for the reply, TPTB seem pretty deeply entrenched at this point, I'm thinking keep my head down until something or someone shows the way.

Interesting article, I enjoyed reading it.

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Brilliant. Thank you.

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why u so stirintring *ding* to me?

I share you on Minds & 1 person tells me you are crazy.

Well, glad they read enough to tell me that, but WHY tell me that YOU are crazy.

Maybe that's why I posted your link. Hey look , someone crazier than me, who uses the DMG like the BSA Handbook.

Cherish is the new love, be well. May God nod to ward thee & thine!

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I can neither confirm nor deny that I am crazy. ;)

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Increasing social complexity, including an increasing population and increasing affluence of the working and middle classes, disrupted social systems that had not evolved anti-fragility to disruption.

Like it or not, the pattern of social order established by mythic religion, the renunciation of evil and sin, was overturned by Enlightenment ideals and modern rationalism. In that context, Marxism was a type of "conservative" (aesthetic) reaction to the spread of "crass commercialism", similar to Nietzsche's concern that "God is dead ... and we killed him".

The evolution of commercialism had another offshoot: Victorian moral panics (1800s) that are now part of the foundation of "progressive" and "woke" ideologies.

So, old social orders, including their information ecosystems, "sense making" systems, hierarchies of curated expertise, were disrupted by new types of mass media in several waves: print, telegraph, radio, TV, internet.

As managerial capitalism emerged, it accounted for working class grievances in ways that manufacturing capitalism had not (FDR fully legalized labor unions, thus regulating their violent tendencies). Hoover's version of managerialism (he was a mine engineer), and whatever early concept of systems theory it was based on, and globalism and mass emergency response/humanitarian aid projects were all part of the backdrop to the crisis of "democracy" in a rapidly evolving world.

Both Marxist/leftist ideology and Facism were pretty obviously IRRATIONAL (romanticist) reactions to the failures of "classical liberalism" and incompatible with the rising managerial elites, so it doesn't seem surprising that the managerials would want to move far more quickly than actual "democracy" would allow for in response to violent, revolutionary anti-liberal, romanticist ideologies.

(Fascism was a revolutionary reaction to the failures of early socialist economic reforms which were seen as being to slow, thus Fascism reverted to nationalist hero myths to motivate a more rapid social revolution.)


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I would love feedback on this post: https://ishayirashashem.substack.com/p/diagnosis-prognosis-and-trusting

I'm exploring the spiritual and psychological as well

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