"To individuals with various psychological deviations, such a social structure [i.e. law-based] dominated by normal people and their conceptual world appears to be a “system of force and oppression.” Psychopaths reach such a conclusion as a rule. (PP, p. 127)
In such people, a dream emerges like some utopia of a “happy” world and a social system which will not reject them or force them to submit to laws and customs whose meaning is incomprehensible to them. They dream of a world in which their simple and radical way of experiencing and perceiving reality would dominate—where they would, of course, be assured safety and prosperity. (PP, p. 125)"
I such tragically messed up people everywhere on the internet today. And not many in my personal life.
"The masses latch on to it as the means to end their anxiety, vent their aggression, and achieve the “justice” they feel they have been denied. The attractor is simple: a better world, otherwise undefined. The details don’t need to be clear, but goal is noble, in their minds. But different people turn their inner gaze toward different attractors. “'Better' is open to interpretation"
My favorite part of your review series so far. Thank you!
These pieces rang especially true:
"To individuals with various psychological deviations, such a social structure [i.e. law-based] dominated by normal people and their conceptual world appears to be a “system of force and oppression.” Psychopaths reach such a conclusion as a rule. (PP, p. 127)
In such people, a dream emerges like some utopia of a “happy” world and a social system which will not reject them or force them to submit to laws and customs whose meaning is incomprehensible to them. They dream of a world in which their simple and radical way of experiencing and perceiving reality would dominate—where they would, of course, be assured safety and prosperity. (PP, p. 125)"
I such tragically messed up people everywhere on the internet today. And not many in my personal life.
Media gives them a lot of attention.
Cultivating the phenomenon?
I see it like a subculture. You don't ordinarily see it in regular life. But everything's visible on social media.
"The masses latch on to it as the means to end their anxiety, vent their aggression, and achieve the “justice” they feel they have been denied. The attractor is simple: a better world, otherwise undefined. The details don’t need to be clear, but goal is noble, in their minds. But different people turn their inner gaze toward different attractors. “'Better' is open to interpretation"
Immense explanatory power