Mar 31, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli

You are talking about the USA, right ?

Do such mass shooting occur in other countries ?

Are the said drugs supplied with similar prevalence in other countries ?

Are the shooters confined to a specific age range ?

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Thank you for helping me correct my notions about the relevant facts, Harrison! I had been trusting the very reports that you just so kindly debunked.

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appropriate and necessary categorical distinctions of what motivates/induces(?) shooters. there's probably a whole psycho-social-cultural taxonomy that can be developed around this recent phenomena. I can't help but get drawn into the 'weaponized remote-control humans' potential of it, though no academics or 'researchers' are going to take a dive down this rabbit hole.


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Hi Harrison and thank you for your work,

before I comment I would like to say that I don't get ALL my ideas from Science Fiction (I mentioned Red Dwarf previously) BUT have you seen the movie "Serenity" (2005) ? It's part of the "Firefly" series.

It's good work, full of classic Western and Space Opera tropes. Anyway, at the denouement of the movie we learn the shocking origin of "The Reavers", an army of murderous cannibals who have been terrorizing the colonists of the outer planets.

Their origin was a government mass medication program with a drug called "Pax" designed to pacify the people and prevent rebellious thoughts. It worked fine until it didn't and the entire population of a planet just lay down and died. Except for a tiny percentage who experienced wildly paradoxical effects and become the murderous Reavers. The Reavers are also infectious, anyone who survives an attack may become one themselves.

So there we are, speculative fiction giving us something to speculate about. I don't think it's impossible that some artists have a greater insight into the collective unconscious and can come back from the dream world with some truths that the rest of us can use.

Maybe those old school desert prophets were just intelligent and imaginative guys who could see which way the wind was blowing and then tried to warn the people in the religious language of their time. Now we use sci-fi movies.

Peace be with you

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Thanks, Harrison. I'd read that article. The Breggins also posted an old interview from Peter's time testifying on behalf of 140 people who were suing Pfizer because Prozac had turned their loved ones suicidal or homicidal: https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/school-shooting-story-hasnt-changed

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli

As a psychiatrist and MD for 31 years I agree with your article. I have seen many side effects of psychotropics over the years but there is a fad lately to blame all ills on SSRIs by a number of Substack authors including AMD, Robert Yoho and even the Breggins. I have argued these issues with all of them. SSRIs are very beneficial when used in depression and anxiety but must be monitored for causing disinhibition and mania which could trigger aggression. Stimulants which are used in ADHD and some weight loss drugs and Methamphetamine are definite drivers of aggression and can cause psychosis which can lead to aggression. Testosterone and anabolic steroids obviously can cause aggression and violence. These are complex causes and interactions and I have seen very few homicidal responses on SSRIs but quite a few on stimulants ( prescription and street drug). Most aggression and violence is done by psychopaths, psychotics and the marginalised/ abused as you point out.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli

Harrison, a great & timely article, well done !

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Correlation is not necessarily causation, but when it rains, the pavements get wet. It's interesting to me that SSRI's are fluoride-based drugs. It's also interesting that some studies suggest so-called ADHD in children is most common in states with the highest intake of fluoridated water, whilst others have suggested a link between 'impulsive criminality' and ADHD. I guess the subsequent medication of the latter scenario is more grist for the Big Pharma money-go-round. On the basis of all the above, I wouldn't immediately jump to the conclusion "Guns don't kill people - fluoride kills people", although it's pretty self-evident that Big Pharma does kill people. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25890329/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20414822

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli

This may be of some usefulness as it expands on the details of SSRI's. It also points out that there are those who "...have a hereditary weakness in their cytochrome P450 detoxification system. As this is responsible for removing SSRIs from the bloodstream, in these individuals, normal doses of SSRIs will result in them developing elevated blood levels of the SSRI that can often be toxic and produce psychosis. Many forensic investigations have confirmed that this occurs..." How the FDA Buried the Dangers of Antidepressants by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/how-the-fda-buried-the-dangers-of?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=645524&post_id=112426040&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli

This wasn’t a top of mind topic for me but I am really glad for this information too so thank you Harrison! The corona depopulation agenda is top of mind for me and the daily occurrence of young healthy people just dropping dead all around the world and the vaxx injured being completely ignored and smeared and cancelled by ALL of those responsible and msm compliantly not reporting on any of it while the jab is still being strongly pushed and recommended is where I’m focusing my energies now. Discovered new Substack author Dr. Makis called Covid Intel with 12,000 new subscribers in just the 2 months since he started it showing many interested and he is capturing stories one creepy story about the many school bus or city bus drivers truck drivers,and just plain old car drivers dying suddenly behind the wheel and the resulting damages this is causing as well as all the airline pilots co pilots and independent pilots where the same grim reality is occurring. The more people that become aware the better.

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Thanks for clearing up some of this, or at least making it more clear. I was getting uncomfortable arguing about anti-d's and shootings, because there are so few facts out there. Though I am still certain we are a profoundly ill society that we default to pharmaceuticals, particularly with young people.

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by Harrison Koehli

My group (CCHR) has heavily leaned in its publications on the dangers of all psychiatric drugs. But this is done with a similar attitude as that taken by those cautioning us about the mRNA shots. It's not that the negative effects of the jabs were huge in the population receiving them, but that they were unacceptably high. The data about the gene mutation is compelling (if true). Screening for that mutation might help a lot, yet would get very few people off these drugs.

CCHR has some errors in its materials, such as attributing the Marilyn Monroe death to an overdose, when that was never fully verified. But the larger point, which we don't overtly state but is obvious enough to us, is that drugs are not appropriate treatments for mental health problems. They may be appropriate for neurological problems, but that's not mental health; that's body health. The mind is not a body part, and thus should not be treated with drugs.

When it comes to extreme violence, such as these mass shooters, I don't know what other correlations have been looked at. My view is that there might be a higher correlation with "previous or current mental health (psychiatric) treatment" or an even higher correlation with "recent contact with a psychopath." But the fact is that these behaviors are latent in many of us, and can be triggered by a wide variety of occurrences. We need a huge overall improvement in our understanding of the human condition, as well as the adoption of much more effective treatments, most of which should be non-medical.

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I have to say, I was a bit surprised, and confused, to read this article from you. You began it rather matter of factly. Then moved more towards the dismissal of another author's opinion, and then softened it all with partial agreements.

I can see your point about a lack of purely scientific, double blind testing white paper documentation of the correlation of psychopathic killers (specifically in schools) and the use of SSRIs and other psychotropic pharmaceuticals. But, simply because there isn't a clearly and openly (the biggest missing part) available evidence, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Clearly these individuals were mentally damaged. Clearly they were complex combinations of many issues. But denying the possibility, and even anecdotal connections between these powerful pharmaceuticals and horrific events, seems a bit "thou doth protest too much".

I would think that all causes of mental dysfunction should be explored.

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